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Lily walks downstairs heading into the kitchen, Esther turns around and smiles at her.

Esther: How are you doing, darling?

Lily walks over to her wrapping her arms around her waist burying her head in her chest, Esther wraps her arms around her kissing her on the side of the head

Lily: I'm getting there. My arm---

Esther grabs her arm lifting her sleeve up showing the dark veins still on her forearm but getting darker each day.

Esther: I hate not being able to be there for you. To comfort you.

Lily: I know but at least I can still see you in my dreams.

Esther smiles reaching her hands up cupping her face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs over her cheeks

Esther: Yes but it's not the same.

Lily: I know

They lean their foreheads together

Esther: Happy birthday.

Lily: Thank you.

Esther presses her lips to her forehead

Esther: Hold on for a little while longer, darling. Can you do that for me?

Lily: I can.


Lily is lying in her bed. She sits up and goes over to the window. She holds up her hand, takes a deep breath, then pulls the curtains wide open.

She walks into the hallway bumping into Elena

Elena: Hey Lil---

Lily: Still searching for the vampire no one wants back?

Elena's face falls as she sighs in defeat

Elena: Lily----

Lily: Why do you want him back, Elena? He's done nothing but make our lives a living hell ever since he just "had" to know you. Kinda obsessive if you ask me.

Elena: Lily, I love hi---

Lily: Honestly Damon's the better Salvatore. You should grow a backdone and give him a shot. You're breaking his heart, Elena.

Elena: I--I---I---

Lily scoffs, rolling her eyes bumping into her shoulder making her stumble as she storms back her. Elena has tears in her eyes

Alaric: She's right, you know?

Elena: Ric----

Alaric: No one wants Stefan back, Elena. We're better off him being gone.


Lily is walking through the square talking to Caroline on the phone

Lily: What are you doing?

Caroline: Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on.

Lily: I never said yes in the first place.

Caroline: You were never going to which is why I planned it anyway. And my mom wants Elena to call her.

Lily: Let me guess; more Stefan crap?

Caroline: An animal attack in Memphis. It's the third one this week in Tennessee.

Lily: Why do you want him back, Care?

Caroline: Lily, I know you hate him but----if you would just give him a chance

Lily: I've given him plenty of chances and he always treats me like I'm nothing.

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