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Stefan: Aye, let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait.

Elena: And you what? Vervained him?

Damon: No, we vervained him! This guy is an Original. To make it realistic.

Stefan: Okay, fine. We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger.

Elena: Which he planned to use on Rebekah, but instead...

Stefan: We drove it through his heart.

Elena: And what happens when he asks to see Mikael's body?

Damon: Good point! You my brother have been compelled to do what Klaus says. So the idea is to lure him back here and kill him...last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue-tied.

Stefan: Well, don't look at me. I am just in charge of getting him back here.

Elena: Klaus is smart. If we tell him that Mikael is dead, he'll want proof.

Mikael: Then I shall be dead.

Elena: What if he wants to see you in person?

Mikael: Well that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him.

Stefan: With what? Those daggers won't work on him.

Mikael: Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burned.

Stefan: Where is it?

Mikael is dipping a dagger in the ashes of the white oak tree.

Mikael: Not here. The knowing of its location is my insurance policy.

Stefan: Against what?

Mikael: You leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So...it falls to you.

Mikael hands over the dagger to Elena.

Elena: Y...You want me to actually dagger you?

Mikael: Klaus will leave nothing to chance- especially when it comes to trust. Now where's the whore that wants to steal my wife from me? I wish to kill her first

Damon: You go near her and I'll just let Klaus kill you

Mikael: Where is she?

Elena: She's in a coma. She won't wake up

Mikael: Ah I see. Well she won't be alive for long

Damon and Elena look at each other

Damon: What the hell do you mean?

Mikael: The longer she goes with her soulmate, the weaker she becomes. Soon she will cease to be nothing. Pity, I wanted to kill her like I did Clara. Oh well.

He chuckles evilly while Damon glares at him in hatred, Stefan is smirking the entire time. He'll finally be rid of Lily once and for all.

Elena has tears steaming down her face at the though of losing her twin.


Esther is walking through the woods near her village, tears in her eyes. She stops and leans down against a tree and lowers her head and begins sobbing.

Are you okay?

She looks up seeing a brunette girl staring down at her, she wipes away her tears and stands up

Esther: I am fine. A disagreement with my husband.

Clara: I know your husband is Mikael. He's not very like in the village.

Esther: I have seen you before but I do not know your name.

Clara: I'm Clara

Esther: I'm Esther.

They smile at each other.


Esther is straddling Clara lips moving together in passionate heated make out session, a sheet covering their bodies.

Clara: This shouldn't have happened

Esther trails her kisses down her jawline to her neck, Clara breathes out in pleasure tilting her head to the side giving her more access.

Esther: That is what we say every time but this always happens, darling.

She plants a kiss on her lips.

Clara: I know you cannot be with me, Esther

Esther: I know

Clara: Two people of the same sex is----

Esther: I know

She smiles kissing her softly on the forehead

Esther: But it does not change my love for you. I love you, Clara

Clara: I love you too, Esther.

Esther: In another life, we will be happy together. In another life, I vow to make you my wife.


Lily's body is tucked underneath the blankets in her bed in her and Elena's room. Bonnie is sitting beside her

Elena: You still can't figure out how to wake her up?

Bonnie: I've tried everything. I'm all out of options, Elena. We just have to hope this Esther actually shows up. Maybe that will wake her up and fix her.

It will

They turn seeing Alaric leaning agains the doorway

Alaric: The second her soulmate arrives, she'll improve and the veins on her arm disappears

Elena: And she'll wake up?

Alaric: Yeah. The longer she goes without her soulmate, the worse she'll become. If it doesn't happen soon, she'll die.

Elena and Bonnie looks at Lily's body with tears flowing down their cheeks

Bonnie: We just made things good between us. I don't want to lose her now. We just became friends again. I can't lose her now.

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