✨ Lie nr. 38

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Lies: I don't know

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Lies: I don't know... - A serious fungus issue

Truths: I wish I was drunk too - If I did ask you, it was a fucking mistake!

My head feels like a brick and my throat as if I swallowed cardboard all night. I grunt, waking up once again in an empty bed. It's been hard the past two weeks. Really hard looking at the empty pillow next to mine. The way the sheets are cold on her side a reminder of my own dumb choices. Choices I don't know how to take back. She probably thinks I'm avoiding her, that I don't want anything to do with her.

The opposite is true.

Every day she's not in my life, is a day I'd rather forget.

But now I have a feeling, a sense, I forgot the first day she was in it since my whole life was revealed a lie.

Shreds of last night flood back to me as I roll onto my stomach, my head buried into my pillow.

I was so drunk last night.

I hardly ever drink to that extend.

We won our first game in a long time, and I prompted up a text to send... To her. I wanted to tell her first. But then I deleted it, feeling instant regret for pushing her out of my life and now suddenly reeling her back in it without a proper apology. I tried. A million times. I watched her practice, I tried to talk up the courage to just walk down to her and tell her how sorry I am. I didn't know how. It's stupid I know. It's not my words coming out if my mouth wrong, that I'm afraid of. I'm terrified of her reaction. I'm terrified she won't forgive me. And that, I won't forgive myself for.

So, as for having no logic at all, I decided drinking would be a great way to forget about everything... It wasn't. Apparently.

I grunt when I realize we ended up going to the bar Céline works at. And I do remember getting face to face with her. I remember absolutely panicking and my drunk stupid ass mouth saying something mean. After that... I have not been able to remember anything. All I know it that now I'm in my room by some miracle, yet the fleece blanket she left here is gone.

Was she in my room?

Did she drive me home?

What the fuck happened?

The million questions firing through my brain only give me a headache and so I decide to get up. Way to early, but lying awake in bed, questioning if I ruined us even more by being a fucking idiot and a jerk to her, isn't going to help anyone.

I drag my feet across my room until I'm met with the coffee machine in the kitchen. Rhett insisted on this fancy bean machine when we have a perfectly fine Starbucks option across the street.

I'm anticipating on the horrible sound the machine makes but as soon as I press the button a light flashes and of course there's no coffee beans in it. Neither in the kitchen cabinets. I looked. So, Starbucks it is. 

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