The Same Cloth

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"So the doc finally spilled the beans, hmm?"

Confusion evident on my face, I tilted my head to the side, "What are you talking about, Joker?"

He licked his lips, grinning slightly, "Your umm ability."

I hadn't seen Joker in a while, a week almost, whether that was because he got sent to the padded room or electroshock therapy. So, he was pretty behind on everything that had been going on and I decided I'd clarify a few things for him.

"No, I found out," I told the green haired clown, "Jonathan didn't know." I then added in a quick, "How did you?"

Joker cleared his throat, gulping slowly, "Is that what he told you?" he asked, ignoring my last question.

I nodded and Joker, with a wide grin, added,

"And you umm believe him?"

"Yes," I told him, "Now how did you find out?"

"He told me."


Joker giggled quietly, "The day you two umm met."


"YOU KNEW?!" Y/n shouted at her doctor, though only after he shut the door of his office, "You knew and you didn't tell me?!" she specified.

Jonathan's eyes widened as he had yet to understand her anger, "What are you talking about, dear?"

Though the emotions she felt from the nickname he had just given her were great, the anger she felt was greater, "ABOUT THE CURSE!" she cried, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Y/n.." he placed his hand over her shoulder, pleading "I can explain."

"Explain what?!" she shouted, "How could you possibly excuse lying to me?! You let me believe I had gone crazy! You let everyone believe I was!"

"There's more to it.."

"Really?" she threw her hands up in the air, before using them to push him, "There is nothing you can say that'll fix this, Jonathan."

"I knew how you'd react-"

"So you thought not telling me was better?! Jonathan, I wouldn't be here right now if you told someone. I wouldn't even be in prison! I am stuck here now because of YOU!"

"I know that, that's why.." He paused, an idea popping into his head, "Y/n, they would have sent you somewhere worse. I've seen it happen before," he lied.

"It wasn't your choice to make, Jonathan. Even if you did it for me, it was never your choice!"

"Wait.." the girl suddenly realized, and when she did, she wanted nothing more than for Jonathan to comfort her and protect her from any further pain he could cause her, "AM I THE WEAPON?! Was I what you wanted to give Joker and Scarecrow to take down the Batman?!"

"Oh my god.." the girl mentally kicked myself for having developed feelings for the man, "You wanted to use me?! ALL TO TAKE DOWN A STUPID BAT?!"

"He's a threat, Y/n," Jonathan, taking off his glasses, sighed, realizing there was no avoiding what was about to happen.

"To who?! The goddamn Joker?! Scarecrow?!"

"To me."

"That's impossible," the girl scoffed, growing tired of the man's lies, "You're no more a threat than a jaywalker."

"You don't understand, Y/n."

"Then explain it to me!" she shouted, "Make me understand why you'd use and lie to me for a goddamn man running around in a bat suit!"

Jonathan gulped, mentally preparing himself for what was to come, "Because I'm the Scarecrow," he admitted.

"You're what..?" she gasped, a single tear drop falling from her face.

"Y/n.." Jonathan breathed, taking a step closer to her and resting his hand on her shoulder.

She immediately shrugged him off, screaming "Get off of me!"

"Y/n," he repeated, trying to grab a hold of her arms.

"NO!" she cried, wanting nothing more than to get away from him.

"Please," he frowned, feeling sorry for the girl.

"You're not who I thought you were," she choked, meaning it in the metaphorical and literal sense.

"I'm the same person, Y/n. I always will be."

"You're a liar and a murderer," she spat.

"And you aren't?!"

"I'M NOT!" she retorted.

"You killed your parents, Y/n, you stabbed a girl and you hurt a man for sharing his opinions!"

"That is not the same thing and you know it!"

"But isn't it? You're just like me, Y/n. We were cut from the same cloth and you know it."

"I'm nothing like you," she sobbed, hoping that she could not only convince him of that, but herself too.

"I didn't want to hurt anyone!"

"YES, YOU DID!" Jonathan shouted, immediately regretting it after though, as the girl flinched, backing away from him.

"Don't do that," he pleaded, "Don't be afraid of me."

Jonathan took a careful step towards the girl, taking her face -her tear-filled, puffy, red face- in his hands, cupping her gently.

"I promise you, I would never hurt you, Y/n."

Feeling ashamed that she couldn't say the same to him, the girl cried some more. She'd hurt him before, she could probably do it again.

"I'm a horrible person," she sobbed, looking away.

"You're not," Jonathan softly spoke, feeling horrible for making her believe otherwise.

"I am.. I did want to hurt them." She admitted, "I still do."

"I'll help you," Jonathan hurriedly insisted.

"Jonathan.." the girl sighed, taking a step back.

"Please, let me help you."

"Think about it, my Dear. All the people that have hurt you; the ones that doubted you and called you crazy.. You can finally get justice," Jonathan explained, hoping to get the girl to agree to working with him.

Not wanting to disappoint the man she grew to love, even with all the bad that was sure to come following them, Y/n reluctantly agreed, giving him no more than a simple nod.

That nod was more than enough for the Scarecrow. The man exhaled a sigh of relief, realizing everything would finally be coming into place; he had both Y/n and her ability. And so, nothing, not even the Batman, could stop him now.

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