Heart-Shaped Lollipop

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Jonathan's abrupt visit to the city proved useful as all the tools and resources he needed for new fear toxins were available. What he was planning to do with them was obvious, noble too- that's what he believed, anyway.

Making him lie to Y/n, on top of hurting her, was the greatest mistake she'd ever made, and Jonathan was going to make sure she knew that.

Developing feelings for the girl was not something the great Scarecrow had planned on doing; he just needed her to take down the Batman. After he was done, he was going to dispose of her. But things have changed since then, the two have grown closer; he couldn't hurt her now. He didn't want to.

There was only one person Jonathan wanted to hurt in that moment, it was Jade. And the new and improved fear toxins that he had created would help him succeed in doing just that.

During his session with her, Scarecrow came into play. Jade, being completely oblivious, went on an on about her hatred for Y/n which only angered the man more.

As she went on, unbeknownst to her, her doctor was assembling his mask and toxins which didn't take too long.

She had no time to process what was going on as smoke appeared out of nowhere and her doctor was suddenly wearing a mask.

"Wait a minute," the girl thought, "Is that the Scarecrow's mask?"

And before she knew it, she was experiencing her greatest fear over and over and over again, the end never seeming to come. She shouted and cried and begged, but the doctor did nothing. She mattered so little, her fears weren't even of interest to him. He was only doing this for Y/n.

What she was seeing, Jonathan had no idea. And whether it was something truly horrible didn't matter to him. Her screams though; her screams told him all that he needed to know. The fear toxins he had just created worked wonders. And of that, he was glad.

After allowing the girl to run along back to her room. The good doctor had taken an item out of his desk to bring along with him on his way towards Y/n. The girl he so desperately wanted to see at that moment.

Also something he had picked up in the city; a bag of heart-shaped lollipops. He would have gotten different ones, not being the biggest fan of the cheesiness, but the small shop he had went to offered nothing better. And what Y/n deserved, was nothing less than.

That's what he was taking to her. He had decided he would after hearing her complaints about the bland food served in the asylum's cafeteria. She was craving sweets, he heard. And, like any man would do for the woman he cared for, he delivered.

Whether she would appreciate it as much as he may have wanted her to didn't matter, he just wanted to satisfy her needs.

As it was already well past lunch, Y/n was no longer in the day room. He headed straight for her room, not caring that Harley Quinn would be there to witness what he was about to do.

This may not have seemed like a big deal to anyone else, but to him, to the villainous Scarecrow, this was everything. This was more than he had ever done for anyone else. Though despite how much effort it took, he went on, only wanting to make her happy.

Jonathan felt he had so much to make up for; from the using to the lying, even though Y/n had no knowledge of such matters.

How he could ever think about hurting Y/n was simply beyond him. He regretted it, of course, but he still had time to make amends, even if she didn't know of the amends to be made.

"Y/n," he softly spoke, holding onto the bars of the room door.

She, as quickly as she could, hurried over to the man on the other side, deciding to also hold onto the bars.

He admired the girl; but only for a second, not wanting to leave her waiting. But in that second, he fell deeper. She was so beautiful, even in the state she was in. A dirty, old asylum couldn't touch the beauty this girl had. The Asylum may have tried to tarnish some of it, but it failed nonetheless. And it always did, when it came to her.

"I have something for you," he told her, before reaching into his pocket and pulling it out.

A smile crept slowly, but surely, onto the girl's face as she realized what it was. Her blonde best friend behind her squealing at the sight, "Aww," she said, before quietly turning away to give a semblance of privacy the small room could offer.

"They only had heart-shaped ones," the man murmured, sheepishly.

The girl blushed, not used to the sort of attention from him, or anyone, "Why..?" she whispered, referring to his decision to bring it.

"You said you wanted something sweet," he smiled.

It was such a simple thing, the girl thought, but it was so thoughtful too.

"Was this really what he went into the city for?" the girl wondered, so obviously flattered, "For me?"

"Jonathan.." she giggled, letting out a single tear of joy, "You're so sweet."

"I have extras," he told the girl, "I'll give one to you before every one of our sessions." He chuckled, "And I'll buy more if we run out."

"You will?" the girl squealed.

"Jonathan.." she then began, blush still so evident on her face, "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," he replied, cupping her face through the bars.

The look on her face was more than enough; it was more than he could have ever imagined. A group of a million painters could have been gathered and brought into a room to create the best piece ever and it would have been nothing compared to the way she looked in that moment.

They couldn't have painted a picture nearly as beautiful as her.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora