Group Therapy

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"I hate the food here," I told the group as I stared at the vomit-inducing, and looking, porridge that laid in my lap.

"Everything's so plain," I then admitted, pouting slightly, "I've been craving sweets."

"You've been craving a lot more than sweets, Patchwork," Jade remarked, glancing between Jonathan and I.

"Your outburst yesterday, Y/n," a woman interrupted, bringing out a black pen and small notebook to write on, "Tell us about that."

I hated this, I hated these group therapy sessions that we were forced to do every couple of days. I was fine with just seeing my doctors one-on-one, well.. doctor, I mean. I only really liked seeing one of them.

"Yeah, Patchwork. Tell us about your tantrum!" Jade added, smiling innocently, "You know, the one about needing Dr. Crane."

I scoffed at her implication. "Fuck you, Jade," I muttered before rolling my eyes and looking away.

The crush I had developed on my doctor was really nothing more. It never could be, anyway.

"I bet you got everything you needed from him, huh?" she smirked, "And I'll bet you want so much more."

Despite knowing that I could hurt her, I refrained from doing so, not because I wanted to though. My ability was uncontrollable, I didn't want to risk accidentally hurting anyone else.

"Don't say things like that, Jade," that same woman interrupted, yet again. "It's inappropriate."

I turned to look at Jonathan, who was also in the group and blushed as he looked back at me with a smile.

"Isn't that right doctor?"

Jonathan, still staring at me, crossed his arms with a cheeky grin, "Of course."

My smile faltered as I heard him, then faded as he continued,

"Our relationship is strictly professional," he said.

"Yeah, shut up, Jade!" Harley chirped hesitantly after glancing at the man with a curious look, not believing he really felt that way.

Harley then began sticking out her tongue at the girl and blew a raspberry.

I laughed at the girl's silly antics and, instead of talking about what the woman told me to, I scarfed down the cold porridge.

Jonathan watched as I tried to keep myself from gagging, he chuckled even but quickly stopped as I glared at him.

"Alright then," the woman sighed, "Anyone else?"

After an uncomfortably long period of silence, she started again, "Then I guess we're done for today."

Everyone got up, as quickly as they could, and scrambled back to where they really wanted to be. Someone even took refuge in a corner of the room, preferring the comforts and quirks of loneliness and boredom over the group sessions. I couldn't blame him though.

As I got up, I almost completely lost my balance after being shoved by Jade, who seemed to be in a rush to get back to the table she's always alone at.

"Y/n!" a man spoke, catching up with me as I began heading towards my own table.

"Jonathan," I smiled, seeing him.

"I wanted to talk to you about our session today," he said, "I won't be able to make it, I have business to attend to in the city."

"Scarecrow business?" I whispered, smiling slightly.

"I'll be back tomorrow," he replied, "We can continue our sessions then."


"We need to get your ability under control as soon as possible, Y/n."

"We do?"

"I'd like us to," Jonathan started, placing a hand over my shoulder, "but if you prefer otherwise, I'd understand."

Not wanting to disappoint the man, I quickly agreed to the former with a simple, "I'd like that too.".

"You guys are so in love," Harley whispered over my shoulder as she watched the doctor leave.

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