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~Author's P.O.V~

Being the CEO, Minji used to spend very busy days. All the meetings, files, functions and many other things kept her busy. Yet the matter of Hanni and her child never left her mind. She had already ordered a background check on Hanni, with every little details.

She sometimes used to check the CCTV footage of the kids center and looked at Mj. She didn't know why she did that, she just felt like doing it. While watching Mj, she used to be very attentive, as if she was solving a puzzle.

A few days later, her personal secretary brought her the reports on Hanni. She made sure no one knew about this background check.

Leaving all the work behind, Minji sat on her couch and started going through the report. Every important detail about Hanni was there. Her family, education, address, social media, job experience, travel history and even medical history. Seeing the word 'Japan' in the travel history was more than enough. It only meant she indeed was the same girl.

Then she looked at her medical history. Her pregnancy check ups, ultrasound reports and delivery date, all were there. She gave birth to Mj within 9 months of her travel to Japan. From all the history, it didn't look like Hanni was the type to screw around with boys. She didn't have any dating history either. Now it was clear to her that, Mj was her child. The child also looked a lot like her younger self like boy version.

Throwing the file on the table, she leaned her head on the couch. She was exhausted. Finding out about the truth, drained all the energy from her body. A feeling of guilt took over her mind. She had a child but she didn't know about it! She couldn't play her part as a Parent! Hanni had to do it all alone! All these thoughts clouded her mind.

She was leaning on the couch numb. After a few minutes, suddenly something came over her and she walked straight out of her office.


I didn't know what I was thinking and then I found myself on the 2nd floor, in the kids center.

Without thinking rationally, I went inside and stood if front of Mj. He was drawing with crayons and humming. While I was standing there, he took a few glances at me not knowing what was happening.

Now, Mj lost his patience and looked up at me

"Whawt do you wawnt? I can't fwocus on my dwawing! Rwude guy!" he complained and then started drawing again.

I chuckled at his cuteness. He was cute and smart. No wonder he was my son.

"Would you like to go outside with me? I can buy you ice cream!" I offered with a smiling face.

He popped his head up being excited. He was smiling ear to ear and then suddenly his smile dropped. He replied with a straight face, "I am nawt stwupid, Ms. Kidnwapper. Mommy twold me nawt to lwisten to stwangews."

I chuckled again being amused. "I am not a kidnapper nor a stranger. Your mommy knows me. Remember, we met before?" I asked being hopeful.

"Yes, you were scolding mommy!" he complained with an angry face.

"If you go with me now, I promise I will never scold your mommy again. Deal?" I said and extended my hand.

He nodded and shook my hand, as if we were making an important deal. Then I took him with me to a cafe, opposite to my office building.

I bought him ice cream and lots of chocolates. He was happily eating the ice cream, nodding his little head. I just sat there in front of him, without caring much about the surrounding. All I felt, was the urge to hug him tightly and ruffle his silky hair.

God knows from where all these Parently feelings were coming from!


I was working nonstop for a few hours and now my body was aching. I needed a cup of coffee.

"rei, i'm going to buy a coffee. Do you want one?" I asked.

"Oh, please do. And also a doughnut, please!" she said acting all cute.

I left, chuckling at her cuteness. Our office cafeteria was closed today so I went to the nearby one. I was now standing in the line for the coffee when I noticed a familiar figure sitting on one of the tables, eating ice cream.

What was he doing here? And who was the woman sitting in front him? I got hella confused and anxious at the same time.

Forgetting about my coffee I went straight to the table, where Mj was sitting.

"What are you doing here and who... ~," I stopped mid sentence when I noticed the woman sitting opposite to Mj. It was Kim Minji.

We both widened our eyes. Never in my wildest dream I imagined her to be here. She also got startled seeing me and stood up from her seat. Then a female voice chimed in.

"Min! Is everything okay here, honey?" Asked our president.

The three of us just stood there staring at each other, not knowing what to say. And the little one sat there looking at our confused faces.


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