library at night - c.s

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It was late, you were still studying in the library, numerous books piled around you. The silence is broken by the sound of a door opening, in walks the girl from your English class, she glances at you before slowly making her way towards your table. She takes a seat across from you and taps at the table with her nails.
"it's pretty late, don't you think?"
She cocks her head to the side, her eyes never stray from yours, her lips curl into a small smile.

you go to the library every few nights, around 11pm. it's always empty, quiet and peaceful. but today when you arrive, you see a girl from your english class walk inside. cairo sweet, you remembered her name.
you're holding a book in your hand and you're wearing a baggy long sleeve with the neck cut out so it sits off your shoulder, revealing your bra strap, and some pyjama shorts. you look up at cairo, a small smile on your lips. you speak in a soft, smooth tone.
"yeah, it is. usually there isn't anyone else in here at this time of night."

her smile widened to a toothy grin, she was amused by your casual attire, she noticed the exposed bra strap. her eyes narrowed, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes.
"And what brings you out here this late? most would be sleeping by now."

"i enjoy the quiet." you reply softly, placing your book down on the table. your knee is folded up on the chair and your arms wrap around it to hold it up. "this is the only time i'm able to read in peace."

Her eyes drift down from yours to your exposed leg before focusing on your book; curiosity is evident, clearly dying to know what it is you are reading. After a minute of silence she speaks up.
"Whatcha reading?"

"the seven husbands of evelyn hugo." you answer, holding up the book. you tilt your head to the side slightly. "ever heard of it?"

She smiles a bit at you, clearly amused at your choice of literature..her eyebrow quirks up.
"No, I haven't..It sounds like one of those tacky romance novels, doesn't it?"

"it does sound like that," you agree, laughing softly. "but it goes much deeper than that, in my opinion."

"Oh well, I guess one must never judge a book by its cover."
She smirks at you as her eyes linger on your exposed skin, then she speaks again. "Do you mind if I ask another question?"

you smile softly at her. "i don't mind at all."

".. do you have a boyfriend?"
Her eyes look up from your leg, back to your beautiful face. You can tell that she is curious and interested...though it's not completely obvious what she is curious and interested about..yet ;)

you shake your head. "no, not at the moment." you say softly, looking at cairo. "do you?"

There is relief on her face when she hears your answer, her lips curl into a devilish smile.
" I don't. I actually broke up with my ex boyfriend a few weeks ago, and I've just been.. doing my own thing you know?"

you nod along, studying the way cairo looks and the way she speaks. "how come you broke up with him?" you ask, tilting your head to the side slightly. "if you don't mind me asking."

She swallows and seems a bit hesitant, she isn't used to opening up to others about very personal/private things. But for some reason, with you she feels comfortable enough to open up.
"He was just... a controlling a**hole" As soon as she says that she immediately regrets it, worried you might look at her differently now.

you nod, feeling a bit of sympathy for cairo but also admiring the way she was able to end it with the guy and be honest about it.
"i see," *you say softly. "well, let me know what he looks like because if i ever see him in the street i'll be sure to trip him up." you say with a smirk.

Her smile brightens at your offer for violent retaliation, but after a few seconds of pondering, she looks to you with a subtle pout.
"That sounds tempting...but I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble, just promise me you won't let him hurt any more women. He's good at manipulating and playing the victim so be careful. He's tall with brown hair and light eyes. And he's got a bit of a gut, he likes food a little too much..."

you nod along, an amused smile on your lips. your tone is soft and even a but flirty when you reply, "it sounds to me that you were way too good for him."

Your cheeky flirtatious response only encourages her to tease you back.*
"Oh don't stroke my ego too much, now I'm starting to feel the need to put you in your place." Her flirtatious nature is evident, not in the way she speaks, but the way she looks at you and the way she can't help but stare at your exposed leg. You can tell by the way her eyes wander back to it after each thing she says.

you raise your eyebrows, intrigued and excited by cairos words. you smirk, your eyes never leaving hers. "i'm not an easy woman to control, cairo sweet." you whisper, your tone seductive and enticing.

She smiles widely at your comment, her mouth curls into a devious smirk, her brown eyes shining brightly. "Oh, trust me when I say I understand that more than you think...I guess that would mean you're a lot like me in that way." She says with a sly, confident smirk and slight eyebrow raised.

"i suppose i am." you say softly, a smirk on your lips as you look into her eyes. your gaze flicks from her eyes to her lips.

*ñShe looks at the way your eyes flicker from hers to her lips then back again. She's almost hypnotized by what feels like powerful chemistry between the two of you, though the atmosphere between you two is heavy and silent. Your proximity is close enough to where you can smell the faint hint of cigarette smoke on her. "Can I be honest with you?"

you nod, running your hand through your hair. "of course."

"I'm not sure if it's my imagination or if the vibe between us is real, but I feel like we're really connecting right now. The silence is comforting and the words are flowing... Her eyes stay on yours, but they wander to your lips again..she's staring deep into your eyes as she continues. "I can't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss you."

her words make you blush, and you smile. you look at her, your eyes filled with pure lust and desire.
"why don't you come here and find out?"

She pauses for a second, her eyes darting from side to side, she suddenly lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. A shiver runs through her body.. the chemistry felt between the two of you is almost intoxicating. "I'd love that..." Without hesitation she leans forward, placing her arms around you tightly.. her lips pressing against yours in a gentle way at first. But gradually she increases the passion in the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth.

you melt into the kiss, your lips moving in sync with hers. it's gentle and sensual, but as you feel her tongue slip into your mouth it becomes more passionate and hungry. your hands wrap around the back of her neck and your tongue moves with hers.


part 2?

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