my deer pt.2 - j.o

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(time skip)
y/n pov

it was around 11pm, and everyone was in their own rooms, ready for bed. i'm sitting at my vanity, applying some night moisturiser when someone walks in. i look through the mirror to see emma and i grin. she hugs me from behind before sitting on the edge of my bed.

emma was the first person i met in the cast, so i've grown closer with her. she's one of my closest friends already and she's as sweet as everyone says she is. "so, y/n," she begins, clearing her throat. this makes me roll my eyes playfully because i know that she will be building up to something. "how about we skip the dramatic build up and you get what you want to off your chest." i chuckle, turning to face her.

she sighs. "no fun... but whatever," she straightens up, looking at me intensely which is honestly a little scary. "i saw you and jenna talking at dinner today..." she begins.

i tense a bit at the mention of jenna but try to act more casual. "uh huh... what about it?" emma grins. "you like her. like.. like her like her." she exclaims, a little too loudly. i gasp, as if shocked. "that's... that's insane."

my 'shock' makes the brunette roll her eyes. "oh come on, y/n. i saw the was you were looking at her. and the way she was looking at you."

she was looking at me.. in a way? i clear my throat, fighting the intrusive thoughts. "i have no idea what you're talking about." i scoff, denying even more. emma groans in annoynace. "so stubborn. whatever. you and i both know i'm right." she sing-songs, standing up. i stand as well, rolling my eyes once again. "goodnight, dork." i laugh softly and she shoots me a smile before leaving.

i yawn, the days exhaustion catching up to me, and crawl into bed, flicking the light off. but as soon as i'm left alone with my thoughts, it drifts to jenna. how can someone i just met have such an impact of me? i groan, tossing and turning. eventually, after far too long, sleep catches me and i doze off.

(the next morning)

after i had woken up, i had a quick shower before coming downstairs. but not before putting me pyjamas back on. i wore some navy blue pyjama pants with little flowers 'painted' on them and a white singlet with a lacey top to it. i put on some ugg slippers before going downstairs, joining the others for breakfast.

i enter the kitchen, greeted by hunter and joy who i say a quick good morning too. then my eyes catch jenna's and i walk to the other side of the island. she spots me immediately, her eyes lighting up. "hey, y/n!" she greets me, her arms wrapping around my body.

i were surprised by the hug, but definitely weren't complaining. i hug her back, not noticing the way she inhaled a bit, loving the smell of your shampoo (NOT in a creepy way). when i pull away her eyes scan my body and she smiles. "cute pyjamas. they suit you."

how can such a simple compliment make me fall for her even more? i think to myself. "thanks, jenna." i smile, taking her hand in mine and walking to the other side of the island. i notice how soft her hand is and how well it fits with mine...

"what's for breakfast?" jenna asks, interrupting my thought trail. "i'm gonna make a smoothie if you want some?" i offer, squeezing her hand softly before letting go as i make my way around the kitchen, grabbing some ingredients. "what are you, a health buff?" jenna teases, laughing in amusement.

i roll my eyes, nudging her playfully. "shut up, you bully." i hush her, giggling. "they're really yum. trust me." i insist as i pour some frozen blueberries, banana and strawberries into the blender. "if you say so." jenna says wearily, shooting me a quick smile.

i blend the ingredients along with some spinach and some milk before pouring it into two glasses. i hand one to jenna. "there, try it." i say with an eager smile. jenna laughs softly at my insistence before taking it, her fingers lightly grazing mine which makes my heart skip a beat, and taking a sip. after a few seconds her eyes widens, a grin on her face. "damn, that's good."

"told you!" i exclaim in triumph, laughing softly. "now who's the 'health buff'?" i tease, nudging her as i take a sip of my own smoothie. "oh, whatever." she giggles. the two of us go outside to join the rest of the group.

for once, jenna and i are seperated. and i'm not gonna lie, i already miss her presence. i take a seat with emma and hunter, and they greet me with a smile. "morning, y/n." hunter grins.

"hey, g-" i trail off when i see the way emma is staring at me. her eyes are wider than usual and she has a big smile on her face as if she's just been told she won the lottery. "woah, what?" i ask, puzzled. hunter shared my confusion.

"i saw you and jenna talking. laughing. nudging. hugging!" she whisper-shouts excitedly. hunters eyes widen when she says this and his eyes dart to me. "oh my god do you have a thing for jenna?" he gasps.

i shoot emma a glare for revealing it before turning to hunter. "i..." breaking off, i sigh. there was no point in trying to lie anymore. "yeah." i admit, biting my lower lip nervously.

"finally, another gay in the group!" hunter sighs in relief, and his chill reaction makes me smile. then i turn to emma. "and that wasn't anything... we're just friends. i only met her like what, 24 hours ago?"

my best friend scoffs. "so, what? love is love. can't fight it." she says matter-of-factly, and hunter nods in agreement. "woah, woah, woah, nobody ever used the word love." i shake my head. emma and hunter exchange knowing glances before looking back to me, eyebrows raised, as if saying 'sure, whatever.'

"topic change. please." i beg before taking a sip of my smoothie. emma jumps up, causing me to flinch a little from the sudden movements. "instagram photos!" she exclaims. i look to hunter to see if he has any idea what she's on about but he just shrugs.

"care to explain further?" i enquire, amused by her antics. emma looks down at me. "your account has been inactive for like, over a week. your fans are probably dying. how about hunter and i take some cute pics for you to post?"

i consider the offer. she does have a point, i haven't posted in a while. and it would be a good distraction... "sure, why not." i agree, standing up. hunter rises too, a smirk on his lips. "and who knows, maybe a special someone will like it?"

jenna pov:

i'm sitting talking with joy, naomi and georgie when i hear a familiar laugh. a sweet, melodic laugh. i look over and see y/n with emma and hunter, talking. i can't help but fight the jealousy gnawing me, wishing it was me making her laugh. i force myself to look away, trying to re-engage in the conversation, but my eyes keeps darting back to her. when i see the three of them stand and leave, my heart sinks immediately.

shit, i'm really falling for this girl....

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