Branch's Unexplained Visitor

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Exactly 3 Months later they spontaneously have a daughter. Turns out they had too much alone time on that night.

Fast forward 6 years

Poppy has moved all her stuff into Branch's bunker a few months after the wedding. They had a daughter and decided to name her Daisy.

Everything has been going by smoothly. Branch is finally happy with the one he's wanted to be with for a very long time.

Its 2:00 in the afternoon, Branch must have stayed up late.

-Branch! Branch, you're going to be late! Poppy shouts from across the room

-Yeah, yeah. 5 more minutes. Branch groggily says

-Branch You're going to be late to practice with your brothers! Poppy says

Branch slowly sits up in bed; still half sleep.

-Come on Branch lets go. Poppy says

Branch rubs his eyes.

But he notices a black blob. it kind of floats around his eye.

He rubs his eyes again.

Branch still sees it. 

He thinks it might just be nothing so he goes downstairs to eat.

Poppy has put out his breakfast on the table for Branch to come eat. Poppy's food is right next to Branch's at her spot. Their daughter Daisy is at the table eating her food.

-Branch heres your food! Poppy says happily

-Hi daddy! Daisy says while waving at Branch

-Hi hunny! Branch happily says

Branch sits down and eats with Poppy and Daisy

Branch eats, he changes and heads out the door. On his way over to the studio he still sees that black blob. Its just floating around his eye. He is starting to get a little worried.

He goes to practice another song with his brothers. They've been making music for the past 5 years now.

Practicing their new song takes around 2 hours. Throughout the whole time Branch just stares at the black blob, He doesn't understand what it is. "Did i damage my eye?" he thinks. Branch is walking back to his bunker. He didn't notice it till now, but now the blob looks real... like as if he can go over there and touch it. 

He gets back to his bunker. He hears Poppy and Daisy laughing in the kitchen. Branch goes into the kitchen and sees Poppy having fun with Daisy while washing the dishes from breakfast. Branch chuckles. He's never seen them have so much fun washing dishes before.

-Poppy I said I would get to those when i get back. Branch says as he chuckles.

-Yeah well Daisy wanted to do something nice for you before you get back. We're almost done. Poppy says as she laughs.

The black blob is still bugging Branch. He stares at it.

Poppy Notices his discomfort.

-Hunny why don't you dry your hands and go play in your room. Poppy tells Daisy

-Branch what's wrong? Poppy worriedly asks

-I don't know, i just see this weird thing in my eye. I've been seeing it all day. Branch worriedly says.

-Ok lets go, I'll bring you to the doctor. Poppy says

-Who will watch Daisy? Branch questions

-We can bring her over to Viva. She can watch her. Poppy says

-Ok fine, lets go. Branch says 

Poppy and Branch drop Daisy over at Viva's house. Then they head over to the doctors.

Branch describes what he sees to the doctor. A black blob that looks like he can interact with. the doctor has never heard of such a thing. There isn't anything he could give Branch so he just tells Branch and Poppy that he suggests Branch should go home and try getting some sleep. As they got home Poppy made sure Branch went to sleep. She wants the best for him.

-Ok branch, the doctor said for you to go get some sleep, so you're going to go get some sleep. Now go to bed. Says Poppy.

-Fine, but i want to go to sleep while watching tv. Branch says

-Our room doesn't have a tv Branch. Poppy says

-I'll sleep on the couch then. Branch says

-Ok fine, at least you're going to sleep. Poppy says rolling her eyes

Poppy grabs Branch's blankets from their bed to make a spot on the couch for him, Daisy helps her. 

-Branch! The couch is ready for you! Poppy happily yells

Poppy brings Daisy into her room so she can play with her toys and so Branch can sleep.

Branch turns on the tv. He wants to watch some tv before going to bed.

The moment he turns on the tv he sees the black blob turn into a figure. "It kind of looks like a lamp." Branch thinks to himself. He gets spooked by it. the object looks so ominous. It looks 2d, the view is weird... its unexplainable. He thinks that the doctor was right, he needed sleep. So Branch turns off the tv and goes to sleep.

While Branch goes to sleep Poppy finishes up some tasks around the house. She later puts Daisy to sleep, then goes to bed herself.

Branch gets woken up to a buzzing sound. 

It sounds like an overhead light is on. 

Branch's eyes shoot open

Its the lamp. The lamp is now standing right Infront of Branch. The lamp is making that buzzing noise. Branch's heart skips a beat. Branch looks at the clock on the wall, its 3:00am. All the lights are off. Poppy and Daisy are in bed. 

-P- Poppy...? Branch shouts, terrified

No answer

Its just Branch and the lamp

The lamp looks like a physical object. Like he can just go up and touch it. 

That's exactly what Branch does. 

Everything goes black...

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