Days of regret

412 6 18

Branch wakes up ok the floor

Heart racing, heavy breathing

He shoots up

Branch frantically looks around

He's in his bunker

Branch quickly gets up

"It was all a dream" He happily thinks to himself

Branch runs downstairs

-Poppy! Branch yells

All branch hears is his voice echoing back at him in
the suffocating silence of his bunker
Branch heart drops

It wasn't a dream. He says quietly 

Branch looks around his bunker

It looks different...

There's random things all around, things he's never
seen before.

The furniture is different too. Things are rearranged.
Branch walks all around the bunker, he can't find any sign of Poppy or Daisy anywhere

Branch gets a feeling that this isn't his bunker because everything is so different

"Where am I?" He thinks

Branch leaves his bunker and goes outside

Things look different outside too

"Where did that thing bring me?"

It's Troll Village, but it's different... The houses are rearranged, and there's more of them...

Branch walks around a little longer to get his surroundings

-Dad!? A voice says, from behind Branch

Branch turns around

-What? Branch says with a chuckle

-Dad, what are you doing here? You supposed to be away with your friends? The stranger says

-Excuse me, but who are you? Branch asks

-Don't be silly dad it's me Daisy! The stranger says

-No, No, my daughter is way younger than you. You can't be her. Branch says

-Thank you dad, but really; I am your daughter. She says, smiling

-My daughter..... Branch says, slowly

-The one and only! Hey, why do you look so young? She asks

-What do you mean? Branch asks

-You look like 30 years younger! She says

It suddenly hits Branch. The lamp probably took him to the future, but he needs to be more sure.

-Where's your mother? Branch asks the stranger

-She's at home. She says

-Bring me to her. Branch says

-Sure! I'm on my way there right now! She happily says

Branch is worried; that if this is the future. What happened to Poppy's dad? Did Branch cause his death or did Poppy save him?

It only takes them 8 minutes to get to their house.

They arrive in this small neighborhood, birds tweeting, the sun shining, even with a small breeze.
There's troll children running around playing and theirs older trolls sitting on rocking chairs talking and laughing.

Branch slows down to look around. He looks at all the other houses

Daisy walks up on the porch

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