A life worth remembering

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Branch runs out of the house

He passes by Daisy

-Dad, where are you going? She shouts

Branch doesn't look back, he just runs.

He needs to find the lamp. Poppy is going through things she should never go through and it's all because of The Lamp.

Branch runs out of the house.

Branch runs for 5 minutes

The Lamp just appears, as if it was waiting for him...

The only emotions Branch can feel right now, is sadness and anger

Branch fully breaks down to the lamp

-Are you don't torturing me!? Branch yells

-Are you don't torturing Poppy!? Branch yells

-Do you see what you did!? Branch screams

-Poppy is a mess! Her dad and some friends all died! You brought me back here! Why!? Branch screams

The lamp doesn't reply, it just sits there. Like it's mocking him...

-Say something! Branch shouts with tears falling from his face

The lamp doesn't say anything. It just standing there... like it doesn't care about what it did to Poppy

-SAY SOMETHING!! Branch screams, picking up a rock

Branch throws the rock at The Lamp

Everything goes black

Branch wakes up in his bed... to his daughter..?

-Daddy! Daddy! It's time to wake up! Daisy rejoiced while jumping on Branch's bed

-Hunny, stop jumping on your father, you're going to hurt him. Poppy says with a giggle

All of this startles Branch and he quickly sits up on the side of his bed to gather his surroundings...

"Everything seems normal..." Branch thinks to himself

-Come on Branch. You're breakfast is getting cold! Poppy says

Branch sits there in silence, starring at the ground; thinking about what just happened.

Poppy notices that Branch is acting strange

"Is this real?" He asks himself in his head

-Hunny, why don't you go wait for us at the table, we'll be right down. Poppy tells Daisy

-Okay mommy! Daisy happily says as she walks out of the room to the kitchen

"All of that must have been a dream..." Branch thinks to himself in relief

-Branch, is everything okay? Poppy asks Branch

-Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! Just a little tired. Branch says, snapping out of his thoughts

-Alright let's go, Daisy is waiting for us downstairs! Poppy says

Branch removes the blanket off of him and he stands up

Branch follows Poppy downstairs

-Poppy, you're not going to believe this crazy dream I just had! Branch says, while they're walking down the stairs

Poppy stops and turns around to face Branch

She grabs Branch's hands and looks him in the eyes

-Branch... that wasn't a dream. Poppy says

Branch's heart sinks

-You weren't the only one to experience that. Poppy says

Poppy let's go of his hands and she continues walking down to the kitchen

Branch speechlessly stands at the top of the stairs watching Poppy walk away

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