A leap in the past

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Branch wakes up in his bed again.

His heart is racing

Branch looks around the room

He still sees Poppy's things missing.

Branch runs around the house and still cant find Poppy or Daisy.

Branch doesn't understand what's going on...

He hears screams

Branch gets startled

The screams are coming from outside of his bunker.

He grabs a weapon and goes outside

The noises keep getting louder the closer he gets.

He hears multiple voices

There's so many...

There's... There's music?

Its everyone partying...

Everyone in troll village. They're all having a great time.

Branch drops his weapon

They're partying exactly how they did years ago...

Just like on the 20th year anniversary...

Branch, looks around

He spots Poppy.

She's dancing. She's having a great time.

He starts walking towards her

After a few minutes of walking he hears some distinct loud noises...

They're getting louder...

The ground starts shaking...

Branch looks in the direction of the noises. Everyone does

Its a Bergen

-Gotcha. The Bergen confidently says

-Everybody run!! Poppy shouts
Everyone scatters

Trolls are running and screaming, Chaos ensues.

-Where's Mr. Dinkles? Has anybody seen Mr. Dinkles? Biggie says worriedly

Biggie gets picked up and put into the Bergen's fanny pack

Fuzzbert gets taken next

-Everybody blend in!! Blend in!! Poppy shouts

Branch is watching all of this go down, he doesn't know what to do. He thought Bergens were nice

Smidge gets taken next, then Satin and Chenille.

These events are seeming familiar to Branch.

Poppy grabs the hand of a line of school children and runs with them to go hide in the grass. Cooper hides with them.

Cooper can't blend in, he gets taken next.

-Everybody minimize your auras!! Creek shouts

Creek then gets picked up

-Creek no! Poppy shouts

Poppy uses her hair to try and save Creek, she fails and gets thrown back.

This is when Branch realizes he has went back in time.

Branch is stunned, he doesn't understand how it happened

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