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♡︎ "Pink looks good on you Fushiguro!"There was a commotion in the hall at the start of lunch, I glanced out the window to see what exactly was happening, my ears perking at the name "Fushiguro"

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♡︎ "Pink looks good on you Fushiguro!"
There was a commotion in the hall at the start of lunch, I glanced out the window to see what exactly was happening, my ears perking at the name "Fushiguro".
Maki-san's nephew?
He was lean and tall like most the other boys at this junior high, pink milk spilling from the back of his head down his neck and into his tan and white uniform, I felt upset for him.
What did he do to deserve that?
I look over at the one who threw it, she shrugged like she was innocent. The words "I didn't think it was going to spill." obviously a lie.
Despite the situation, Megumi straightened, glancing back at the woman and her friend's giggling, and then he turned back, continuing in the direction he had been walking before getting milk thrown all over him.
Everyone then started to giggle and chat amongst themselves over it, I decided to stand and leave in the direction he started walking in.

I followed the pink milk drips to the boy's bathroom, feeling a bit shy standing there waiting for him, but...
"Excuse me."
I look up from fishing in my bag to Megumi standing right in front of me, that was fast...
"Oh! I am so sorry, I saw what happened and wanted-"
He side stepped me mid sentence, starting back where he came from...something a lot less calm about him though.
It made me shiver, and I naively followed him back to the snickering kids who soaked him in the first place.
"Your hair is all wet Fushi-"
He threw a punch that hit the first guy straight in the jaw, his head flying back as he stumbled backwards into the girl who threw the drink on him, she was bewildered.
I was the same.
"What the hell man-"
Another guy stepped up, and Megumi swung again, that guy getting his left cheek punched, his head leading his body to fall into the wall.

Maki came in as she was probably on her way to get me from my class, she pulled him back by his right shoulder and he snapped out of it-for the most part.
"What the hell is your deal?"
"The girl threw her drink on him..."
I say, slowly wandering over, too many eyes were on me.
Even Megumi finally acknowledged me, his green eyes focused on my face.
He made me nervous.
"Is that why your hair is wet?"
Maki looked from his hair to the back of his uniform.
"Yeah. I will just change into my gym uniform."
He moved back from Maki, her hand slid off his shoulder, when he turned he didn't realize I was right there and bumped into me a bit, he looked at me again.
"Im sorry-please take this though!"
I offer a hand towel up to him, he takes it and examines it.
"For what?"
"Your hair...I know it isn't much, but..."
I trail off as he watched me, he was really scary.
Maybe approaching his was a huge mistake...
Is he mad at me?

He walks away, and I watch him until he is just another head of hair in the crowd, Maki sighs next to me, shifting my attention to her.
"I told you about him..."
"Maki-san, he must be lonely."
She shrugs,
"He chose to be that way."
Maki pulled me by my right arm to the cafeteria through the crowded halls.
I was not very hungry though.
My mind was just filled with that shut down look Megumi had on his face at the bathrooms.
"Stop thinking and eat Chi Chi."
Maki flicked the center of my forehead and after the click, I felt a sting turn hot and ai rubbed the spot whining.
"I cant help it...I know you said to leave him alone but sometimes that is not the right answer!"
"For him it is. You met him face to face now, was he very friendly?"
"See why he doesn't have friends?"
I just nod, picking up a cup of fruit from the school's mini buffet. I took up an apple slice and began to nibble on it, glancing up at Maki on occasion, but I knew she felt bad too.

They are family after all.
But how come I am just now learning about him? Maki and Mai never told me about him ever. Ive been to their clan's estate plenty of times and never once have I seen him there.
"He is going to be one powerful sorcerer if he can just accept that it is the right path for him already. Gojo Sensei is the one raising him too."
"THE Gojo?"
I do a little excited dance, Gojo is the most powerful sorcerer of our time! He is every girl's dream too!
"He is so lucky!"
"He is a brat."
We giggle, taking our seats at a lunch table, I finish my cup of fruit and Maki starts making me eat food from her plate too.
"You need to watch way more than fruit Chi Chi."
"I know, Im just not very hungry. Mama will have something good though made when I get home though-so no worries!"

𝘠𝘅𝘠 ∙ 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜Where stories live. Discover now