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♡ "Yuji is taking you to get ice cream tonight?"A few days have passed since Megumi came back

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♡ "Yuji is taking you to get ice cream tonight?"
A few days have passed since Megumi came back. He was still pretty busy, Maki told me he was training extra hard with Panda lately to keep me safe.
It made me upset that he was doing all of this for me...
He leaned down, pulling me in by my waist, his lips pressing to my left cheek several times, slowly...
"He is..."
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous."
He looked into my eyes, blinking slowly.
We were together after all. Since the day he decided to go with Yuta abroad...
Though we never had any formal dates or interactions...
I felt a little nervous as he held me in the empty classroom, kissing my face.
"Megumi...would you like to come with us?"
"I want to go with just you. We haven't gotten to spend much time together, just the two of us since I left."
I never took him as the jealous type, though jealousy looked good on him admittedly. I watch his green eyes that seemed to get darker in color.
"I promised Yuji..."

"I will go with you both then, but after, come to my house."
My heart flipped, I really didn't know why.
I have been to his house tons of times.
I even spent the night before.
Though...Megumi seemed more mature now?
I don't know how to put it.
Though we aren't just little kids now.
"Okay, I will."
I agree, and he didn't stop kissing my cheek, I hung my arms over his broad shoulders, feeling his muscles flex as he held me tighter into him.
When did he grow up?
When did I grow up?
When did our relationship change?
"Gojo and I are going on a mission tomorrow."
I whisper.
Megumi smiled at me, leaning into my lips, I close my eyes and accept his kisses, gentle and hesitant despite his initiative.
I don't know when he started liking me romantically.
I don't know when I started feeling this way about him either.
Leading up to us dating, he would make me fluster and think of things like if we kissed.
I felt my face heat up, my eyes opening narrowly to watch Megumi kiss me, he was pressing further into me, still hesitant, his hands trembled on my hips as he pulled me to the edge of my desk. He stood between my legs...

Yuji should be here any minute...
Though I don't want Megumi to stop kissing me...
The door slid open and Megumi kissed me a few more times, his hands leaving my hips and gripping the sides of my desk, I glance back nervously at Yuji who was blushing and smiling awkwardly.
"H-Hey! Want me to come back later?"
"We are ready."
Megumi spoke up, standing up straight, rubbing my frizzy hair as he backed up from between my legs and picking my bag up from the side of the desk.
"W-We? Oh great I'm glad you are coming too! You gotta tell us all about your time with Yuta in the states!"
I slid off the desk and realized my legs were shaky, I had to stand there for a moment to calm down, glancing back at Megumi who was staring at me with...those eyes...thankfully Yuji was going off on a tangent with his eyes closed.
"I will tell you all about it if you buy tonight."
Megumi looked back to Yuji as he opens his eyes, keeping the attention on himself so I have time to stand up straight.
This sounds so dirty...
All we did was kiss and I have the legs of a new born deer!
He was so...nevermind.

I walk over to the two and Megumi takes my right hand in his left, Yuji leads the way out of the school and out towards the city, the sun was setting behind us and I took in the glow on Megumi's back making him stand out, he was very handsome...
"Hmm? Want another kiss?"
He leaned into my ear just so I could hear him...
"That's not-"
He kissed me anyway though, quickly. Smiling gently, batting his eyes innocently as I just was quiet, my face flushed again.
"Chi Chi I heard that Gojo is dragging you out to kill a new special grade tomorrow! Are you excited?"
"A special grade? Alone?"
Megumi rose an eyebrow.
"Mhm. She needs more experience."
Yuji just smiled, speaking light heartedly as if Megumi totally wasn't my overprotective boyfriend-
"I should be there."
"Megumi I can do things on my own I promise."
I glance up at him to see him looking away, he squeezed my hand with a light uneasy pressure.
"I am just weary after what happened when I was gone before."
"I know. Gojo will be there though! He is jujutsu's strongest! I will be fine no matter what!"

𝘠𝘅𝘠 ∙ 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜Where stories live. Discover now