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AGE 15


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♡ It was finally the weekend.
Megumi agreed to meet up with Maki with me today, so I just ended up spending the night at his house so we could get ready together and not stress about meeting up with each other before going all the way to meet Maki.
I brushed my teeth in the bathroom while Megumi dried his hair with the blow drier after his shower, we spoke about light topics such as the weather and what we wanted to do tomorrow.
"I missed two of your birthdays so I need to make that up to you."
He said as he turned off the dryer, leaning against my back as he placed it on the counter in front of me, I spit out my mouthwash into the sink and wiped my mouth dry with my sleeve of my white crewneck.
"I need to make up for the two birthdays I missed for you too then."
I smile at his reflection, he was tall but I was also short. Lack of protein...
"What do you want me to get you to make up for the lost time?"
He sighs, his hands on my hips as he leans down to prop his chin on my shoulder.
"Tell me or I'll tickle it out of you."
He is throwing out threats now?!?

"Now...let's not be hasty-"
His fingers graze slightly up the sides of my stomach under my crewneck and I squirm.
"Tell me. What can I give you?"
My heart raced as my face was red with blush, I watched his challenging eyes in the mirror in front of us, he smiled deviously.
"Wrong answer."
Though, instead of tickling me, he scooped me up into his arms and started to carry me back towards his bed.
"Megumi there is nothing you can-"
He dropped me against his mattress and leaned over me, I could hear my heart hammer in my ears, his hands pressing mine above my head.
"Do you not want something money can buy?"
What does he mean..?
Something...money can't buy...
I was looking at his lips again, and when I finally got a grip, I saw he was looking down at my lips too...
"What do you mean...something money can't buy?"
I ask anyway, knowing already what money can't buy from him or me.
"Just tell me what you want and it is yours."

"You seem to want the same thing I do..."
I hope I'm not reading him wrong...
I mean I've seen this exact scenario in dramas.
The guy over the girl, they are just looking at each other hesitant because neither wants to mess up and maybe take the situation out of context.
But then they kiss anyway and it all turns out fine.
It turns out really well actually and they start dating and-
What am I THINKING????
Megumi doesn't see me in that way at all.
But the way he looks at me...
He couldn't...could he?
"You have to tell me Chiyo."
"I want to ki-"
My phone starts to ring on the nightstand, we both look over at it jittering around, Megumi moves off of me so I can sit up and take it, I look at the name.
I answer.
"Chi Chi! I am at the door, I was knocking but no one answered so I was calling just in case you two had left to get me instead-"
"Oh I am so sorry! Megumi's blow dryer is so loud we didn't hear anything!"
I was so embarrassed!
I look to Megumi who also had a red face, neither of us moved.
"Did I come too early? Sorry if I'm rushing you. Is the door unlocked?"
"No...Megumi will come get you in a second okay!"
"Okay Chi Chi. I can't wait to see you again!"
"Me too! Okay I'll send out Megumi!"
I hung up and we looked at each other.

"Uhm...can you get her I..."
He had a pillow on his lap and his hands fidgeting on top of it nervously.
I tilt my head.
"Did I do something wrong?"
I ask.
"No...I just really need to use the bathroom. Can you go let Maki in and be sure to offer her tea."
I nod, standing up and making my way out the door.
He was super flustered...
Did I want the wrong thing?
I thought he wanted to kiss me like in those dramas...
So did I read him wrong?
"Megumi is using the bathroom real quick. He said to offer you tea. What kind-"
I open the door and start talking, just to be cut off by Maki throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Chiyo holy shit you are all grown up!"
We stumble back and fall to the ground with a loud bang,
Megumi came quickly from his room worried, but when he saw Maki and I on the floor he just rolled his eyes.
"Be more careful!"
He scolded, turning to head back into his room.
Maki and I just laughed on the floor together, not bothering to get up, it was kinda comfortable.

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