189 10 1

AGE 12

♡ Megumi was suspended for a few days after the fight

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

♡ Megumi was suspended for a few days after the fight. Both Yin and Yang stayed with me at recess and walked to school with me a few times in Maki's absence.
Those few days I had trained alone at home, I didn't realize how lonely it was until I had no one really.
Though with Megumi's demon dogs I was able to stay pretty happy.
Though, Megumi graduates in the coming year and he also has not told me if we get to spend the long summer break with each other to train more.
"When do I get the ability for a domain expansion?"
I got a phone today though! I was able to get Megumi's number from Maki after school was out.
"It is an advanced barrier technique, it will take a while for you because of how unstable your flaming sun technique is."
He sounded older on the phone, I found myself kicking my feet behind me as I laid on my stomach on my bed, doodling.
"How much longer will you be out of school?"
"Another week. Anyone giving you trouble?"
I shook my head, a small smile on my lips, I started to notice I was drawing Megumi in my notebook.
"No...can I come over tomorrow? Your house, not Gojo Sensei's. I want to actually hang out with you instead of train and go out separate ways."

I heard him shift, his bed sheets crunching beneath him, he drew out a sigh, his voice moved to my left earphone, and an unfamiliar buzz sent through me, I felt my face burn with blush.
"Okay. My sister will be here by the way."
"You have a sister? Why did you never tell me?"
"You never asked."
I pout.
"Megumi-san...if I do start asking more about you and not sorcery and school...will you answer?"
He shifted again over the phone, yawning though.
"Why wouldn't I? I trust you if you trust me."
I smiled sheepishly.
I could fall asleep to him talking in his sleepy voice...
"I trust you a lot Megumi-san."
"I'm glad."
He yawns again, we both fell silent.
I listened to his slow breathing, the occasional movement of his sheets, another yawn, a sigh.
We didn't hang up.
We just fell asleep.
I guess he kinda misses me too.

School went by so slow, at 5th period I just chose to hide in the nurses office until the final bell, using my cursed technique to raise my body temperature just enough to give me a fever.
I started suffering the burn out though on my walk to Megumi's, my body was not supposed to be the thing I inflict head onto so now I feel like I just survived a heat stroke, stumbling along the sidewalk, I clutched onto Yin and Yang's fur so they could steady my swaying.
We reached the train station and Megumi was there waiting for me.
He looked worried.
He will be mad at me if I say what I did...
"What happened? You are burning up."
He took my shoulder, pulling me towards him,
"I just used my cursed technique on myself and am suffering the repercussions..."
He shook his head,
He mumbled, pulling me up into his arms, I had no energy to protest, my body just was shut down after what I did...
"We should get the hospital to stabilize you. Why did you do that?"
"To get out of class..."
"Please tell me you are not serious."
"I wouldn't lie to you Megumi-san."
He nods,
"I can't be mad at that. Don't do this again though."
"I won't, I promise."

With a good three hours at the hospital with a few fluid bags and some mysterious medicine, I was feeling better. Though I was super drowsy, Megumi carried me back to his house and let me lay in his bed, I hadn't seen his sister though.
"My sister is older than me, she is out with some friends for a while so it's just us."
Megumi brought in some tea, setting my cup on the night stand, he sat on the edge of the bed, his free hand smoothed my bangs back into my hair.
"What is her name?"
"Tsumiki. She is really great. You will like her."
My eyes were getting heavy.
I just wanted to come here and spend actual time with Megumi and I am just going to sleep?
As if reading my mind, Megumi tskd, a small smile on his lips.
"You can rest. We have plenty of time to talk and ask questions Chiyo."
"But...I have been nothing but a bother to you this afternoon."
"I have been taking care of you since we started training together. This is familiar."

"Does it bother you? I know you have admitted to me being annoying-"
"You aren't annoying Chiyo. I was just a little frustrated."
"I promise. Now sleep. I will wake you for school tomorrow morning."
I was going to sleep over at Megumi's house tonight?
In his bed?
"I need to get home to granny-"
"I can call her, hand me your phone."
I don't even protest, handing it over to him and watching him call and tell granny I won't be home tonight.
I could hear her fluster even without it on speaker.
But the most embarrassing thing was hearing her say-
"Well Megumi I know you are a good boy and will take care of little Chi Chi. You two behave."
What would we do?
Go vandalize a signpost?
We are too young to be sold spray paint anyway...

𝘠𝘅𝘠 ∙ 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें