Chapter 4.) Phoenix Curse

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The sun was shining brightly over the capital, as thousands of people gathered outside the palace walls. They were here to witness the gwangrye, the coming of age ceremony of the crown prince, Minjae. The emperor had spared no expense to make this day the most splendid and memorable in the history of the kingdom. Banners and lanterns adorned the streets, music and laughter filled the air, and vendors sold all kinds of delicacies and souvenirs.

Inside the palace, Minjae was getting ready for the ceremony. He looked at himself in the mirror, wearing the finest silk robes and jewels. He felt a surge of pride and anxiety. He had trained hard for this day, learning all the arts and skills expected of a prince. He could recite poetry, read classics, play musical instruments, and perform athletic feats such as shooting a bow and horse riding. He was confident that he could impress his father, the nobles, and the people.

But the gwangrye was the most dangerous moment for Minjae. He had to go through a series of rituals that would mark his transition from a boy to a man. He had to have his hair put in a topknot and wear the crown. He had to receive the blessings of the ancestors and the gods. He had to face the scrutiny of the court and the public. He had to hide his true identity from everyone.

Minjae took a deep breath and left his chamber. He was escorted by his loyal servants and guards, who also knew his secret and had sworn to keep it. He walked through the palace halls, where the nobles and officials bowed and congratulated him. He smiled and nodded, but he felt their eyes on him, as if they could see through his disguise.

He reached the main gate, where his father was waiting for him. His father embraced him and whispered in his ear.

"My son, today is your day. You have made me proud. You have nothing to fear. I will always be by your side."

Minjae thanked him and bowed. He felt a surge of gratitude and love for his father.

He followed his father to the platform, where they were greeted by cheers and applause. They waved to the crowd, who had been waiting for hours to see them. Minjae saw the faces of the people, young and old, rich and poor, men and women. A thought spawned in his head

 "What if they know?"

"Nah, let's hope not,"

"Focus. Focus Minjae. FOCUS. Gotta focus on the ceremony," He muttered to himself. 

He listened to the speeches and prayers, he received the gifts and honors, he performed the rites and rituals. He did everything flawlessly, without a hint of hesitation or nervousness. He amazed everyone with his intelligence and grace, his strength and skill, his charm and charisma. He was the perfect prince, the pride of the kingdom, the hope of the future.

But then, something unexpected happened. Something that changed everything.

A raggedy old hag made her way to the front of the crowd. She had a wild look in her eyes and a crooked smile on her lips. She carried a staff with a bird's skull on top. She looked like a witch or a madwoman.

She raised her voice and shouted.

"Listen to me, people of Kim! Listen to me, emperor and prince! Listen to me, gods and spirits! I have a message for you. A message of doom and gloom. A message of fire and blood. A message of the phoenix curse!"

The crowd gasped and murmured. The emperor and Minjae frowned and stared. The guards moved to stop her, but she continued.

"The crown prince is not a prince. He is a princess. He is a girl. He is a lie. A fraud! A fraud I tell you! He is an abomination! He is a curse. He will bring ruin and chaos to the kingdom. He will cause war and famine, plague and disaster, death and destruction. He will burn everything to ashes. He will be the end of Kim. He is the phoenix curse!"

The crowd erupted in shock and outrage. Some screamed and cursed, some cried and prayed, some laughed and cheered. The emperor and Minjae were stunned and speechless.

"Guards!" The emperor snapped.

 The guards rushed to grab her, but she resisted and kept screaming.

"It's the phoenix curse! It's the phoenix curse! The phoenix curse!" The hag screeched as she was being dragged out. 

The ceremony was interrupted. The mood was ruined. And most horrifically the secret was revealed. Today was supposed to be a day of happiness and full of joy but instead, the opposite took place and now the kingdom was irrevocably shaken.

To Replace a Dragon with a Phoenix [BBANGSAZ AU]Where stories live. Discover now