17.) Fuck it.

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Minjae's POV:

I've been more cautious these past few weeks around Han. Seeing her in the gardens? Nope. Death sentence. Peeking into her room? Hell no. I'd be a creep or a pervert. I avoided her at all costs, even ducking behind bushes and trees. It was embarassing but one time, when I peeked around a tree trunk, she had caught me with those piercing eyes of hers and I'd ran off, my heart racing as I realized that she must've thought that I was a creep.


Hanni's POV:

I had grown bored out of my mind so I decided to take a walk around the palace grounds, admiring the lush greenery and beautifully blooming flowers. I liked how peaceful it felt here, the perfect contrast to my chaotic life. I strolled down the garden paths and admired the scenery when all of a sudden, I spotted someone familiar in a bush. Min you stupid bear.

"Min?!" I cried out, "Is that you? I see youuu."

Huh weird. The figure only sunk lower into the bush.


Minjae's POV:

"Min?!" Han cried out, "Is that you? I see youuu."

I didn't respond, praying that she would just keep walking by so that she wouldn't find me. Thankfully she did, I slowly exhaled and mentally thanked all the gods and goddesses out there for sparing me this day.

But this didn't stop me from thinking about her. I had spent fortunes on expensive paper, ink and brushes just so that I could write about her. I wrote pages upon pages of poetry about her. Her beautiful brown eyes and the way they twinkled when she was happy and that fiery passion she had when she was angry or upset. And don't even get me started on her personality. She was always so determined and fierce. But she could also be quite soft at times. Especially when it came to certain topics. Like bread or rice for example, she always went on and on about how amazing it tasted and how she could never get enough of it. Am I dragging on too much?

I had assigned personal maids that would take care of her every need. Kinda creepy but I had them report any new findings about Han. Slowly I had learned about her likes and dislikes, what made her happy and what made her sad. One day my curiosity got the better of me and I snuck into her room when she went out on her daily walk and rummaged through her room. There was nothing damning, just the clothes, jewlery, and hairpins I had annonnmously given her. It was nothing too crazy or special until I found little strips of paper. She seemed to have been writing on these strips of paper.

'Dear Min,

Where are you? Why won't you let me see your face?'

'Dear Min,

Did you forget about me?'

'Dear Min,

Come visit me, please?'

I stopped reading the letters but my heart was still racing. She...had been missing me? She had been wondering where I had gone? The idea of her waiting for me filled me with hope but also guilt. The fact that I had been avoiding her made me feel like such an asshole. I stuffed them into my robe and swiftly left her room.

To Replace a Dragon with a Phoenix [BBANGSAZ AU]Where stories live. Discover now