9.) Day 1: Boot Camp

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Third Person POV:

It was the crack of dawn, and the sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon. The sky was filled with hues of pink and orange, and the air was crisp and cool. In the midst of this picturesque scene a symphony of Korean drums and flutes woke the soldiers. One by one they stumbled out their tents, still groggy from their slumber. They yawned and rubbed their eyes, trying to shake off the drowsiness as they made their way to their designated formations.

Minjae looked up and took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air. He could see his men bleary-eyed, stretching and yawning.

He was ready.

His first task was to get the soldiers back into shape. They were in no position to fight. First, he ordered them to start running .

"What?" the soldiers groaned.

"Start. Running. Now," Minjae repeated.

"But sir, we can't-"

"We won't-"

"No buts!"

With a sigh, he started to jog, his soldiers following behind him. As they ran, Minjae couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom. The cool morning air filled his lungs, and the rhythm of his feet hitting the ground matched the beat of the drums and flutes in the background.

He pushed his soldiers to run faster, to keep up with him. He wanted them to feel the same sense of liberation that he did. And as they ran, the sun continued to rise, casting a warm glow on their faces.

Minjae's disappointment soon turned to pride as he watched his soldiers run with determination and purpose. They had become a well-oiled machine, moving in perfect unison to the beat of the drums and flutes. The sweat dripping down Minjae's brow was representative of the hard work that Minjae was going to put into training these soldiers.

With Minjae leading training, it seamlessly transitioned from running to physical conditioning. Soldiers were put into small groups and did team exercises as well as individual exercises. To keep it from being monotonous, Minjae implemented games and goals to motivate his troops to perform their best. The highest-ranking groups got privileges and the lowest-ranked group was placed on chamber pot duty.

Then came the most difficult part of training: the weapons drills.

"You will need to learn how to wield a sword, an axe, a bow and arrow, a spear, and a shield." Minjae declared, his voice echoing throughout the field.

The soldiers gulped, feeling the weight of the weapons in their hands. Some were clumsy and awkward, swinging the weapons wildly and without aim. Others were hesitant and unsure, fearful of the sharp edges and points.

Minjae, seeing the hesitation and uncertainty in his soldiers' eyes, felt the need to encourage them,

"These are weapons of war, and you will have to use them to protect yourself and the empire. You are not here to play or entertain. You are here to learn and to train. Your lives and the lives of your fellow soldiers depend on it."

Minjae effortlessly took the lead again. Showing his expertise in weaponry he demonstrated each skill. He was swift and agile, his movements precise and calculated. Each swing of the sword, each throw of the spear was executed with precision and power.

His soldiers were mesmerized, watching their emperor transform into a warrior right before their very eyes. His skills were awe-inspiring, and the confidence and passion in his eyes were infectious.

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