16.) S(he's) Fallen

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Minjae's POV:

The next time that I was able to see her, I brought bread again. The atmosphere was less stuffy than last time and she had obviously grown closer to me. Minjae didn't want to admit it but he had grown a soft spot for Hanni.

I poked my head inside her cell.


"Hi," She gave a half smile as she waved at me.

"I brought bread," Minjae smiled as he held up the basket.

"Bread again?"

"You're still not full from yesterday?"

"I can never have enough bread." She grinned mischievously as she playfully punched him in the shoulder.

They shared their food in the same routine as before, quiet eating and occasional conversation. But today she wanted to take the initiative to make conversation.

"Are you Korean?"

"Yeah duh," I answered automatically without thinking. "Why?"

"Hmm," Hanni hummed thoughtfully, "I was just wondering."

"Can I ask you something?"

My eyes looked in her direction.

"Why do you have to wear this?"

She scooted closer and pointed to my modified gat. I couldn't tell her that I was the emperor.

"Trust me, you don't wanna see my face."

"Why?" Hanni pried further.

"It's disgusting." I blurted out. "You wouldn't like it."

"Try me."

"I'm serious..."

Hanni moved even closer so that their faces were mere inches apart, "Show me."

Minjae backed up into the wall. His eyes narrowed

"S-Show you what?" Minjae's eyes nervously darted around the room trying to avoid eye contact with Hanni.

"Take it off, your gat."

Minjae tensed up, his heart pounding wildly in his chest as she stared intently at him with those piercing eyes. Minjae could only stare and freeze in response.

Their faces were inches apart before Hanni whispered.

"Fine, I won't pry any further mystery man."


Third Person POV:

With each visit the pair grew closer. Eventually they were on a first name basis, well sort of.

To Hanni, Minjae was Min. She would sometimes call him names but he would call her by her name on purpose to see her flustered.

"Asshole!" Hanni retorted, "Why would you do that?"

Minjae wheezed out a laugh and spoke. "Ooh... such a dirty mouth you got there, Hanni."

Hanni turned beat red at his remark and quickly looked away. "Shut up Min," Hanni grumbled as she continued eating her meal.

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