Episode 2: Bone Shaker

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Nima kept guiding us North. "Hey, we're heading towards a cliff, you know that?" Gerry asked.
"Theres an old goat path down." Nima said. I was curious how she knew. We got to the cliff and saw the ride Bone Shaker; it was a rollercoaster. "You never told Jess about the rides, did you? Because none of them are ready yet." I told Gerry.
"That path was ancient. Carved into the stone. It survived storms, earthquakes..."
"Nima, its... its too late to go around and too dangerous to go back the way we came. Just use the radio to contact the rescue team." Gerry said.
"Down there. We can ride this...contraption to get us down to that exit." Nima said.
"I can power it." I said. "I can put it on maintenance mode." I said. "If i get to the shed."
"Move the scaffolding." Nima said. Gerry was at a crane and using it to lower the hook. Jess put the hook on and Gerry moved the scaffolding. Nima and Jess worked together to get the correct cars on the track. Unfortunately, the power was off. I went to a board. I moved it and went into the power station. "Well i don't have keys. Gerry! You got keys to the power station?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"Great." I pulled the pistol out and whacked it across the door's window. I reached in. "Cant reach them." I saw the crane hook. I grabbed it and put it in the door. "Gerry! Pull!" I told him. He pulled the door off. "Awesome!" Jess said. I pulled the switches. The power was on and Gerry set the coaster set on maintenance mode. "The sooner we get to the coast, the sooner this will all be over." Nima said. We got in the coaster. There were some little dinosaurs. "Ay dios mio! What are those?" Nima asked. A dinosaur jumped on and part of the track fell. "Y/n, shoot that rope!" Nima said. I pulled the pistol out. "Gerry! Jess! Down!" I said. I shot the rope and the catwalk fell. The dinosaur was knocked off. One jumped on Nima's car. "Hey!" I shot the dinosaur. It fell off the car. "Duck!" Nima told me. I ducked down. The track was coming to an end. "Shit!" I yelled. Jess fell out. Gerry caught her. "NIMA! Y/N! HELP US!" Gerry said.
"Nima, get the crane!" I told her. She got out and ran to the crane controls. I grabbed onto Jess. Me and Gerry helped her up. She immediately hugged her father. "Thank you." Jess said to me. She came and hugged me. Two people came behind us. We looked at them. One was in all green and the other was in mostly green, and was wearing a bandana and had tattoos on his arms. Nima was behind them. "You!" Nima said to the tattooed man. I recognized them. "William Yoder? Oscar?" I asked. "Now i feel somewhat more safe with the giant lizards."
"Ha-de-fucking-ha." Yoder said. "Good to see you too."
"What now?" Jess asked.
"Now we go for a little ride." Yoder answered us.
"Don't say 'ride.'" Jess said.

I just learned this girl has a dirty mind.

Yoder and Oscar brought us to a helicopter. "Where's Danny?" Oscar said.
"Danny? You made D-Caf be the pilot of this, Yoder?" I asked him.
"You take the chopper. I'll check the area." Yoder said to Oscar. He aimed his rifle at Nima. I went to follow them. "No. You stay put." Oscar told me.
"I'm with InGen." I told him. He waved me off. I sighed and returned to Gerry and Jess.

Nima's POV...
I sat in the chopper seat while Oscar checked the chopper. Yoder came back. "D-Caf is M.I.A." Oscar declared.
"No way, man. He was supposed to stay in the chopper. He's gotta be around here somewhere..." Yoder said. There was a loud stomp. "Tyrannosaur." I said. Y/n, Gerry, and Jess ran to us. Oscar was working on the chopper to get it going again. "We gotta get out of here, NOW!" Gerry told Yoder.
"I know! I'm working on it!" Yoder told him.
"Jesus, this guy's slow." I said.
"No shit." Y/n said back. Eventually, Oscar finally got the helicopter going. Oscar got in and Yoder went up as the tyrannosaur came to us. It headbutted the chopper. We flew away. "YEE-HAW!" Yoder yelled like an idiot.

Jurassic Park: The Telltale Game w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now