Episode 3: The Water Tower

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We followed Doctor Sorkin. She was talking about treating the water and getting the dinosaurs out of their pens. Apparently the Parasaurs are the watch dogs of this area. Gerry was going to activate the sound speakers while the rest of us set the sounds that play. "Stay with Doctor Sorkin and Y/n." Gerry told Jess. We got to the pen of Parasaurs and Sorkin activated the sound. Then Gerry activated the speakers for the mating dinosaurs. "What happened to your assistant?" Jess asked.
"Let not talk about it." Sorkin told her.
"Did you work with him long?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Sorkin, what hides in your mind?" I asked her.
"Nothing." She said. "I just cant worry otherwise the dinosaurs will die too."
"Hmph. Jess, what did Yoder tell you?" I asked her.
"We didn't talk about you. But we found out Sorkin was a protester in the 70s." She told me.
"Hah." I simply stated.
"You seem to keep that girl, Nima, in check. Whats your story with her?" Sorkin asked me.
"I was bringing her to plumbing before all this." I told her, lying. Jess looked at me. I placed a finger on my lips, telling her to be silent. "Why else would she wear clothes like that?"
"I don't know. If she was a government spy or adventurer or...i dunno, jungle cult stripper-"
"Okay, enough." I told her. I knew who Nima was, but hearing that last one hurt me. She wasn't part of a cult. A parasaur with a broke toe came to us. Sorkin and Jess walked away to talk about whatever. Gerry looked at her broken toe.

Nima's POV...
I broken out of my handcuffs finally and took the helicopter. I was going to get Y/n, Doctor Harding, and Jess, and get the hell off this island. Yoder and Oscar managed to climb back in. Oscar got in a fight with me as Yoder took over. I threw my knife at Oscar but missed. Oscar headbutted me and knocked me out.

Y/n's POV...
The Parasaurs started roaring. "Uhh... whats..." I looked around and saw some damn velociraptors again. "Gerry, velociraptors! Run!" He stopped working on the Parasaur and we started running. The raptors made it over the fence after we got through. "Up the ladder! Go!" I told Gerry. He started running. A raptor charged at me. I picked up a rock and chucked it in its mouth. It gagged and fell to the ground. The other wasn't far behind, but i still got up the ladder, following Gerry. Gerry and Jess hugged. I saw the helicopter coming. "Yoder's here!" I said. The helicopter hit the water tower and crashed. "No!" I yelled.
"I think we're okay." Gerry stated.
"Those poor people." Sorkin said.
"Nima..." I said. "She was in there..." The water tower moved. The raptors started headbutting the water tower to try to bring it down. "We gotta get down from here!" Jess said.
"The utility tunnels! You can go there!" I said. Gerry started trying to push the emergency ladder down. "It won't budge." Gerry said.
"Its still new, so i might need more weight." Sorkin told us.
"Like stand on it?" Gerry asked. Sorkin nodded. Gerry stood on the ladder. "Oh, i see the problem. The whole ladder is slightly bent, but can't slide freely. But we might be able to force it. If we had a crowbar, we could open it." Gerry told us.
"Then we'll have to get creative because there are no tools up here." Sorkin told us.
"Okay..." I saw an antenna. "Maybe I could pry the ladder open with it. Sorkin! Find a way to temporarily disable or fully disable the power!" I told her. The cable was temporarily disabled. I grabbed the antenna. "Got it!" I said. I stuck the antenna in the ladder. "Gerry, put your weight on the ladder." I told him.
"Alright." Gerry said. He went to the ladder and stood on it. "On three." He said. He counted to three and he pulled down as I pried at it. "Nope! Again!" I said. "One... two... three!" I saw Jess jump on the ladder. It went down. Jess fell, but she stuck the landing. "I'm fine, Dad!" Jess said. Gerry dropped. I let the antenna go and slid down. Sorkin jumped down. We all went over the gate and ran to the utility tunnels. Gerry closed the door. "Wherever you three go, i won't be coming with you." I told them.
"What?" Jess asked.
"Nima was in the crash. I have to find her." I said. "After the raptors leave, I'm going back out there."
"Y/n, maybe we'll meet up with them again in here." Gerry said.
"You won't change my mind, Gerry. I need to find her."
"But what if you..." Jess started.
"You know what Jess? Maybe you're right. Maybe there IS something between Nima and I and we just don't know what it is. So I'm going to find her and figure out what it is." I told them.
"Did you just say you think you and Nima are in love?" Jess asked with a smile.
"I don't know!" I yelled. I sighed. "I don't know." I said calmly. I sat on a box. "I'll see you when I see you." I told them. I heard them walking away.

Jurassic Park: The Telltale Game w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now