Episode 4: Eyes

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Yoder pulled his knife out. "I'LL KILL YOU!" He yelled.
"Woah, Yoder!" I yelled. I moved the leaf on D-Caf's body and covered his face and arms so Jess didn't have to see. We all turned to Yoder. "Tell me doctor- what did this to him?!" Yoder asked Sorkin.
"They're called Troodon Pectinodon. They were meant to be euthanized."
"You let them out?" Yoder asked.
"No! I kept them in quarantine to study. I knew they were getting out somehow, but..."
"You knew about those damn creatures all along while we were out there, exposed, humping around like idiots looking for our pilot!" Yoder yelled. "Me, Oscar, and D-Caf were nearly killed by one of our own men. Probably was bitten by one of those things. Who knows where his catatonic body is now." Billy said. "The teams are dead! Oscar is DEAD! Because of your dinosaurs! Because of you." Yoder said as he pushed Sorkin again.
"Yoder, she lied to us and put us in danger, but Nima is alive thanks to her." I told him. "This falls on InGen's and Hammond's shoulders." I said. Yoder demanded Sorkin say its her fault. She did so. We all did a quick check of the room. "Heres a grate. But it's locked. It's big enough for all of us though." Jess said. I was with Nima and she kicked an empty canister. "Empty but heavy." She said.
"I say we get going. That grate Jess mentioned, we can bust the lock with one of these." I said.
"Yeah. Fuck it. Lets go." Yoder asked. "Theres still a working phone where?"
"The marine exhibit." Sorkin said. Nima tapped my arm. "The embryos?" She asked me with a whisper.
"I thought I-" I thought I put them in her bag, but I saw Yoder put them in his jacket. How the hell did he smuggle them from us? We heard a loud growling. "Shit, the Troodon! They know we're here!" I said. Gerry held the door. Nima held a vent closed. The Troodon's yellow eyes looking through gave me the creeps. I grabbed the air tank. "Y/n! Get that grate open!" Nima told me. I smashed the air tank into the lock, breaking it after about four hits. "Throw me a flare!" Nima said. Billy threw her a flare and she lit it and tossed it in the vent. The Troodon ran off, scared. I got the grate opened. "Everyone! Come on!" I yelled as I ran back to grab a flare. Nima grabbed one on her way. Gerry let go of the door as Jess and Sorkin ran through.

Yoder was right behind us as we ran through the tunnels. We got to a room where we were lost. "These blueprints show intersections. I'm gonna take a look and try to find which one we're at. Look around the corridors for any distinguishing features." Sorkin said. I went with Nima to one as she lit her flare and used it as light. "Billy has them...the way he is right now, he-"
"Y/n. I'm just as pissed as you are. But let's focus on getting out of here. I don't want you or Jess or Gerry to get attacked by one of those Troodons." Nima said. We described what we saw at our corridor. Gerry and Billy did the same for their corridors. "I think I got it." Sorkin said. She described the route we gotta go by as those dinosaurs found us. "Crap!" Sorkin grabbed Jess and Yoder was thrown with them. Gerry backed up to me and Nima. They split us up. "They're afraid of the flares!" I said. Yoder, Sorkin, and Jess went down a corridor while we ran down another. I lit my flare and threw it at one of the dinosaurs. We heard Jess scream. "Gerry! Move! She'll be fine!" I said. The three of us climbed up a ladder.

Jurassic Park: The Telltale Game w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now