Chapter 17

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It was dark. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face. She could hear the steady dripping of water coming from somewhere behind her. It was so cold. Mave walked along a wet, slimy wall, trying to find anything that could be a way out.

"Please, please, please," she begged as she searched the walls frantically and squinted, looking for a sliver of light. Sam was just on the other side. She knew it. He was in danger, and she had to tell him. She was past the point of caring about what happened to her. All she wanted was for Sam to be safe.

Suddenly, a light behind her turned on, and she swung around to see Angel standing in the middle of the room with Sam sitting in a chair, his hand and feet bound, but his eyes and mouth were uncovered, and they pleaded with Mave to do something.

"Sammy!" she cried as she lunged for him, but Angel pulled out a knife and held it to Sam's neck. "He's mine. If I can't have him, no one can. Are you willing to give him to me?"

Mave froze and looked at Sam.

"It's your choice, Love. I'll die for you, you know that, and I'd rather have you or no one." Sam's voice was hoarse, as if he had been screaming.

This angered Angel, and she increased the pressure of the knife on his neck. "That's alright, Sammy," she hissed, "I can make you love me."

"What's it to be, Mave, love," another voice said from behind her, and Mave spun around to see another Angel watching her. Mave looked between the two of them, weighing the differences. Their voices were the same, the hair and face. The only difference was the size. One was slightly larger than the other.

"Time is up, Mave, love!" The Angel with Sam said as she pressed the knife into his neck, and thick red blood started drenching his shirt.

"Sam! Sam! Sam!" Mave screamed as she rushed for him, only to feel herself pulled backward, and the darkness engulfed her once more.

"Mave, wake up!" Mave felt herself being shaken awake.

"Sam?" she asked through her sobs.

"Yes, you had a nightmare." He pulled her close and let her cry.

"Angel had you; only there were two of her, one bigger than the other. The one that had you was bigger, and the one that was coming for me was smaller. She said if I couldn't have you, no one could, and you said if you couldn't have me, then you didn't want anyone. After that, she..." Mave couldn't continue.

"She what, Mave?" Same urged.

"She cut your throat." Mave's sobs came harder. "Why were there two of them?"

"Shhhh, you're safe, and I'm safe. It's no wonder you had a bad dream. Your body has to process your fear. You've had a lot happen the last few days." 

"Why were there two." Mave shivered at the thought.

"They were exactly the same?" Sam asked.

"Yes, except in size." Mave had calmed down to a sniffle. Being held in Sam's arms was the best medicine. He was so warm and strong.

"Maybe it represents your fears. Your fear for me is bigger than your fear for yourself?" Sam asked.

Mave thought about it. It was better than thinking that there were two Angels.

"The voice, there was something about the voice. It's like it's right there at the edge of my memory, but I can't grab it." Mave frowned. There was something about it.

"Your parents thought maybe you should go to Eli and Rhea's island for a few weeks to decompress," Sam suggested. "It might not be a bad idea."

"Can you come with me?" Mave looked up at him, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

"No, I have to work." He shook his head.

"Then, no. I don't want to be separated from you right now." Mave clung tighter to him.

Sam held her tighter. "For the record, I don't want anyone if I can't have you. You know that, right?"

"I do. That's why you said it in my dream." Mave closed her eyes, letting herself relax.

"If you don't go to the island, your family will come here, you know that, right?"

Mave tensed right back up at the thought. "I still get to stay here with you, right?" Her voice was soft. She feared he wouldn't want her with him when her family arrived.

Sam exhaled softly. "You want to stay with me?"

"Yes, Sam, and as soon as they get here, we'll tell them that you agreed to marry me."

Sam laughed. "Yes, dear, but you should buy me that ring so they know it's official."

Mave loved the sound of his laughter as it rumbled through his chest, and it relaxed her.

"Tomorrow, we'll go and pick it out on your lunch hour," Mave said.

"If it's to be tomorrow, it will have to be after work. I'm having lunch with Tammy's brother." Sam kissed the top of her head to soften the blow of his turning down her offer for lunch.

"Why? What if it is Tammy that's after me?" Mave sat up and looked at him, concerned that he was walking into a dangerous situation.

"I'm sure it's not Tammy. I've known her for years, and I see her weekly. She's never done more than flirted with me. If she wanted something more, I honestly think she would have at least hinted at it before now."

"Then why are you having lunch with her brother?"

"Because he's an old friend, and maybe I'll find something out about Tammy that will help put the issue to rest." Sam pulled Mave back down to him.

"You'll be careful?" Mave asked.

"I promise. Plus, I could always take Thomas in a fight as kids, and I doubt much has changed."

"Do Tammy and Thomas have any other brothers or sisters?" Mave asked. Maybe that was the answer.

"Thomas has a twin sister, Tally. She's sweet but shy. She was always reading books when we were kids.  Tammy, Thomas, and I would spend hours exploring the beach and woods behind their house, but Tally always wanted to read her books."

"Maybe you made her nervous, and she had a crush on you. What does she look like?" Mave's mind couldn't help but hone in on another possibility for who Angel might be.

"Stop, Mave. They were like your family was to me. I'm sure it's not them, but it stands to reason that if someone knows how close we are, they would know how close I was to Thomas and Tammy and try to use that to their advantage. I've lived a long life and met many people. It could even be a patient who's followed me around for years for all we know ." Sam was obviously trying to seek out possibilities as well.

"Or one of the nurses you work with," Mave added. "Did you tell Henry about the patient idea?"

"I did, and he's looking into it, but there's only so much he can do because of HIPAA."

"There are so many possibilities. How on earth did I manage to keep your interest all these years with all of your adoring fans?" Mave teased. 

"I could ask the same thing, love," Sam said before he kissed her lips. "Tomorrow after work, we'll go pick out your ring?" Sam asked.

"Yes, and they'll think you made quick work of making me fall in love with you since you were the doctor who saved my life only yesterday."

"Love at first sight."

"And last sight," Mave agreed as they snuggled back into the covers, holding each other.

They were both doing their best to focus on the positive, even though the danger surrounding them was real.

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