Chapter 20

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The night of Sam and Mave's engagement party had arrived, and the plan was simple. Leave Mave vulnerable so that she could be taken again. Nobody liked it, least of all Mave, but there was no other choice. Henry and his team had researched and tracked down all the leads they had, and they were sure they had the culprit, but they wouldn't share. They needed proof. Mave clenched the phone in her pocket. It was a decoy that could and most likely would be thrown away. She had multiple trackers on her person and a backup phone sewed into the lining of her jackets that would record everything.

Sam and Mave demanded to know who it was, but Henry's team was concerned Mave would give the game away and ruin the trap if she saw the person coming, so they refused to tell her. They had assured everyone that they had been watching the potential kidnapper's activities and had a handle on all the locations they were associated with in the city.

Now, Mave and Sam sat in Sam's truck across the street from the venue. Trisha had chosen a local museum housed in one of Savannah's famous houses. The garden was spectacular, and that was where the scene had been set.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked, reaching for her hand.

"I'm fine," Mave lied because what could she say? No, she wasn't fine. She didn't want to do this; she wanted to run and hide. None of that would get the job done and catch the kidnapper, and until that happened, she would never be safe.

"Liar," Sam said, squeezing her hand before Mave pulled it free.

"I have to think of this like a movie. It's not real at all. Trisha has set the stage, and now the lines must be read. But what happens if this is all for nothing and Angel doesn't show up?" Mave felt herself start to hyperventilate at the thought.

"What happens if she takes me again, tortures me again, but this time kills me?" Mave lowered the truck's visor and looked at her scar in the mirror. It was still there. Sometimes, when Sam was making her happy or with her family, she forgot it was there, but then she would look in the mirror and remember.

She traced the scar. "I was so scared of you seeing me like this. I was afraid you wouldn't want me anymore. I called and called for you, and when Uncle Bryce offered to send for you, I was too frightened to let him do it." She shook her head and slammed the visor back into place. "I dreamed you had come to me."

"I did come to you," Sam said, his voice hoarse as he felt her pain and fear and knew there was nothing he could do to save her from it.

"What?" Mave turned to look at him.

"Nothing would have kept me from coming when Bryce sent for me."

"You weren't a dream?" Mave closed her eyes.


"But you let me think you were, why?" Mave opened her eyes and looked at him. She wasn't sure how she should feel about the deception.

"You were so upset that I might not be a dream. I didn't want to cause you any more pain than you already felt." Sam swallowed hard and looked at the scene across the street as guests continued arriving at the party in their finest clothes, but he wasn't seeing it.

Mave knew he was back in that hospital room just like she was.

"The last thing I would ever want to cause you was pain. You were so scared I was real that I told you I was a dream."

Mave thought about what she remembered.

"I think I knew deep down that you weren't, but I convinced myself that you were because It was easier that way."

"I forced myself to walk away. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done. I told Uncle Bryce to update me as things progressed, and I came home to wait." Sam turned to look at her in the dimness of the truck cab.

"I always knew you would come in the end because you always do. It's the only reason that I can let you go. I know you will always find your way back to me; this time is no different. You'll find your way back to me again." Sam reached for her hand and gave it to them.

"Your family got here earlier than expected, so I took a risk and picked the ring out myself." Sam slid the simple solitaire on her finger. It was quiet and understated—old-fashioned.

Sam got her on a level no one else did. For all her attention-grabbing habits and boisterous self, she really was quiet underneath it all, just like the ring.

"It reminded me of you, of when our relationship was simple. If you don't like it, we can get something else," Sam anxiously assured her.

"It's perfect, Sam." Mave shook her head, tears in her eyes. Kiss me."

Sam didn't have to be asked twice as he leaned over and kissed her hard.

"I supposed we have to go now?" Mave asked after a few minutes.

"Yes, Love," Sam said, pushing open his door and closing it, then moving to her side to help her out. Her dress was red, easy for anyone to spot as both enemy and friend.

"You look beautiful," Sam promised as he linked her arm to his and began their walk across the street.

They stopped at the curb and looked at the party beyond the gate.
"This time tomorrow, we'll be watching a movie and eating hamburgers," Sam said, trying to normalize this dangerous and frightful experience.

"I get to pick the movie?" Mave asked.

"Sure, you have until tomorrow." Sam walked her in through the gates.

"I'll start thinking about it now," Mave said as she plastered her best 'I'm the happiest woman alive' smile on her face.

"I love you, Mave," Sam whispered.

"I love you, Sam. Forever." Mave whispered back.

Then the family descended, and they were whisked in opposite directions.

The trap was laid because the bait had arrived. 

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