Chapter 18

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Sam was running late when he reached the restaurant. He had texted Thomas to let him know, and Thomas had told him to take his time. There was a cute waitress, so he would flirt with her until he arrived. It was so like Thomas that Sam grinned. He had missed his friend and couldn't remember why they had lost touch.

When he arrived at the downtown restaurant, he only took a moment to look at the art on the walls and the eclectic décor before he started to scan the room for Thomas. Sure enough, he was in the center of the room, with two waitresses talking to him. Thomas had always been a bit of a player.

"Thomas," Sam greeted with a handshake and a quick man hug with plenty of back-patting.

"Sam! See, ladies, I told you he was almost as handsome as I am. So how about it? A double date?" He winked at the waitresses as Sam sat next to his friend.

Thomas was a handsome guy who had never had trouble with women. He was of average height and lean, with sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Sometimes, when they were younger, he and Sam would be mistaken for brothers.

"Sorry, but I'm off the market." Sam shook his head with a happy smile.

The ladies made halfhearted mews of protest that were sure to secure them a larger tip before they wandered off, having taken Sam's drink order before they left.

"So, what I read in the paper yesterday is correct?" Thomas raised an eyebrow in question before looking only mildly curious. "You and Mave finally made a way to make it work?"

Sam couldn't contain his grin as his friend sipped his drink.

"Yes, and I'm a delighted man."

"Congratulations, Sam," Thomas said, grabbing his shoulder and squeezing it. "Is that why you called this lunch? Am I to be the best man?"

Thomas was always outrageous and loved putting people on the spot to watch them wiggle their way out of it, but Sam was used to it.

"No, that will be one of my brothers when the time comes," Sam answered honestly, picking up his menu. "Mave staying with me kind of brought old home week vibes, and I wanted to check in on you and your family." Sam did his best to play it cool.

Thomas shrugged, following Sam's lead and picking up his menu. "You see Tammy more than I do. She doesn't have much time for me. She thinks I play too fast and loose with the girls, but the truth is that I dated one of her friends, and it didn't end well. She blames me."

"You dated one of her friends?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Well, it was more like a co-worker. Either way, the girl was crazy, just like Tammy, so I ended it."

"Tammy's not crazy." Sam shook his head.

"Little bit," Thomas held his thumb away from his index finger in the traditional sign of little.

"How about Tally? Is she crazy?" Sam asked, joking.

"No, she's not crazy, but she's so introverted that she barely leaves the house. I have to drag her out to do something once a week just to keep her in the game." Thomas shook his head. "Everyone's normal. How about your family? How is being one of Savannah's famous doctors working for you?"

Thomas and Sam spent the next hour catching up, laughing at old times, and flirting with the waitresses. It was like he was back in college all over again, and he missed those simple days. As they wrapped up lunch, with Thomas insisting that he pay, Sam was convinced there was no way that any of them were involved.

With a promise to have lunch again soon, Sam headed back to the hospital.


That night, when he got home, Mave was waiting for him. He could tell she was anxious to hear about his meeting with Thomas.

"So, you can't be sure it's not Tammy?" Mave questioned. "Thomas did say she was crazy."

"It's not unusual for a brother to think his sister is crazy, especially if she comes after him for breaking her friend's heart, which I'm sure Thomas did. He's never been one prone to monogamy." Sam shook his head. "I think everyone is looking for an easy answer, and Tammy is not it."

"I agree," Henry said, joining them. "I checked her schedule for when you were pushed, and she was at work. It couldn't have been her." Sam sat at the breakfast bar. "I'm calling in more resources. I can't do this one on my own."

"Do you have any thoughts on who it might be?" Sam asked as he watched Mave carefully. She was disappointed and frightened that they weren't as close to catching her kidnapper as they thought they were.

"I'm leaning toward a former patient. There are a lot of studies that show that some patients grow overly attached to the doctors who save their lives." Sam threw a photo of one of Sam's former patients on the counter. "Do you remember her? Leticia Wood?" The photo showed a slight woman with big eyes and a weak chin.

Sam shuddered. "Yes, she stalked me for over a year, and when I finally got the point across to her that I wasn't interested, she tried to sue me for sexual harassment."

"And you didn't think that she was a potential suspect?" Mave asked, crossing her arms.

"No, because there is no way she could know about you, Mave."

"How long ago was this?" Mave looked agitated.

"About a year ago, but I don't think it's her either." Sam shook his head as he looked at the photo.

"You know what your problem is, Sam Evers?" Mave walked up to him and put her slight body in his space, puffing herself up as big as she could get. "You always want to believe the best in everyone!"

Sam felt very attracted to the sudden fire in her. It was a fire that had been missing since she had arrived a few days earlier. He met her eyes, taking in her heavy breathing, and something in the air changed as his gaze dropped to her lips.

Sam let his hand trail down her arm and land on her hip as he pulled her close. "There she is," he said just before his lips landed on hers in a searing kiss. When Mave broke away, she blushed bright red and breathed heavily.

"You're not fighting fair!" she said in a husky voice.

"I'm not fighting, I'm loving." He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "And for the record, the woman had a stroke about two months ago and is currently bedridden, last I heard. Also, believing the best in everyone means I have always believed the best in you, too."

He had taken all the wind from her sails, and she looked chagrined.

"I'm going to go get ready," she mumbled as she darted to the bedroom.

"That puts us right back to square one," Henry sighed.
"Who is coming in to help?" Sam asked as he moved to get a bottle of water from the fridge. He was concerned he had hurt Mave's feelings, but she needed a few moments to collect herself.

"I'm calling in Lee, and Kellan and Josh are going to start digging online and through a lifetime of sources." Henry stacked the papers he had laid on the counter back into a neat pile.

"Most of the Stevens are headed this way, too. There will be very little peace, especially if they all decide to play vigilante and try to hunt a stalker." Sam was thoughtful. "Is there a way we can work that to our advantage?"

"Maybe a party in the open somewhere?" Henry thought aloud.

"Perhaps Mave's and my engagement party?" Sam threw out.

Henry grinned. "For real?"

Sam grinned back. "For real."

"That just might work, or better yet, we can bump it up to a wedding. An engagement, while unsettling, is not the permanent loss of a single Sam Evers but a wedding... not that I want to force you and Mave into anything, but the family would be pleased.

"I like the way you think. That might be to everyone's advantage. We'll talk about it with the family tomorrow night at dinner."

"I'd talk to Mave about it first," Henry suggested.

"I somehow think a surprise attack might work best. Mave can, on occasion, overthink things." 

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