Episode 04: Engagement

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Season 01: An Unexpected Yet Horrific Discovery

Unknown person: You're now a part of the team. Welcome!
Young girl: ...
Unknown person: Come on! You don't need to be shy. Make yourself at home.
Young girl: ...

"One might think this means that imaginary numbers are just a mathematical game having nothing to do with the real world. From the viewpoint of positivist philosophy, however, one cannot determine what is real. All one can do is find which mathematical models describe the universe we live in. It turns out that a mathematical model involving imaginary time predicts not only effects we have already observed but also effects we have not been able to measure yet nevertheless believe in for other reasons. So what is real and what is imaginary? Is the distinction just in our minds?"
— Stephen Hawking
The golden light from the unknown riff started glowing brighter. The sounds of unknown mechanical objects and clock ticks intensified and just then... The riff exploded knocking the team back and a golden beam charged upward illuminating the entire blue sky then a wave of golden light seemed to have been spreading to all directions and after the wave hit the surroundings of Peripheria... It revealed that alien ships had surrounded all planets of this solar system. The human military was not completely prepared yet but those who were immediately opened fire under Apateonas' command and so did the aliens.

Meanwhile in an unknown space..

_Achilles_: C'mon! Is that all you got!?
Quantum monster: !!!
_Achilles_: Ahahahaha!

Before reaching the unknown space...

When the aliens attacked Azalia's crew, the aliens used very advanced ships and technology that could bend space and reality to an extent that one would be displaced into an unknown space where quantum physics seems to be at its peak. Azalia and Starlette watched 48 of their comrade ships disappear into the unknown.

_Azalia_: Everyone...
_Starllete_: Lia! I detect a friendly approach at high speed.
_Azalia_: ...
_Starllete_: Lia?
_Azalia_: (..why?. Why does this.. feel.. so... Familiar..?)
_Starllete_: Lia!?
_Azalia_: (just.. like that.. day..)
_Starllete_: ...

Alien scorpion-looking ships attacked Azalia's ship. Parts of her ship began disappearing leading to crew members being sucked out into space but the aliens also targeted them and they suffered the same fate as the others. Achilles in an attempt to save the crew.. launched a powerful attack destroying about seven of those ships. All other alien ships targeted Achilles but his powers seem to rival that of a supernova. The aliens were having fun making the humans disappear but now they too are being completely torn into oblivion.

_Achilles_: Hahaha! You utterly weak insects!
_Starllete_: Achilles!
_Achilles_: Don't worry about me. You focus on escaping.
_Starllete_: Okay! Lia! We're falling back!
_Azalia_: ...
_Starllete_: (is she alright?)
Unknown voice inside Azalia's head: Azalia, this is not the time to be slacking off.
_Azalia_: (huh?)
Unknown voice inside Azalia's head: Wake up.
_Azalia: Ugh...
_Starllete_: Lia! Do you read?
_Azalia_: Yeah.. what happened?
_Starllete_: We've got reinforcements. It's time to fall back.
_Azalia_: I see... Then let's- ugh
_Starllete_: What's wrong?
_Azalia_: I don't know.. it feels like there's something wrong with the space here... Achilles' power can tear through Space and reach the void and the aliens' advanced quantum weapons.. it feels like something bad is about to happen...

Due to Achilles' powers colliding with alien quantum powers... It attracted an unexpected yet horrific Imaginary being into existence.

_Azalia_: That's-
_Achilles_: Huh? You want some beating too?

The Imaginary being at once used its physics defying power to temporarily erase everything in the vicinity. The temporarily erased things would become just a spirit being able to control itself and see everything but could not interact with reality whatsoever. Such an ability is not supposed to exist or in other words, it is not a real ability.. It is only possible in the imagination. However... Azalia somehow knew what the Imaginary being would do thus she used an unknown power to teleport herself and her allies to a quantum universe.

After reaching the strange universe...

* Boom *
_Achilles_: That should be all of them.
_Azalia_: ...
_Achilles_: You good?
_Azalia_: Yeah... But I can't seem to detect Starllete.
_Achilles_: I see. What did you even do to bring us here?
_Azalia_: I don't know...
_Achilles_: Can you get us out?
_Azalia_: I think I can.
_Achilles_: Then let's find Starllete and get out of here!
_Azalia_: Mm.

Meanwhile on the planet Sotiría..

_Alexander_: Watch out!

The first Human-sýmfono war took place on this day. Alexander managed to save his squad members from the sudden alien attacks by using his powers. Since Epimelitéas is now dead, Alexander becomes the leader of his squad, Pelagus Testimonii.

_Violette_: What's going on!?
_Hector_: It's them...
_Alexander_: And there's something more over there.
_Hector_: Who is that?
_Alexander_: I don't know but its body seems to be of the same color that the riff represented.

ㅤ                                    To be continued

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