Episode 07: Congelatio

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Season 1: An Unexpected yet Horrific Discovery

"Tartarus" breaks all the ice in the area. He pulls two blades out of nowhere and connects them together. He then spins them together above his head causing a large circular clock to cover the land below.
* Tick * * tock * * tick * * tock *
The needles tick and turn until they all land on XII. After reaching XII the area covered by the large clock explodes. Congelatio tried to escape but the area covered by the clock was too large and thus he was caught in the explosion.

_Congelatio_: Ugh... My chest.. wh- what's this?

There seems to be a countdown ticking on Congelatio's chest. His heart might be the target...

"Tartarus": לָמוּת

_Congelatio_: Am I going to die? No.. this can't be.. I can't lose now...

"Life as we know can be relentlessly disproportionate based on our ambient conditions and the nature of our society. When in a crisis, the chances of facing greater problems are highly credible. Well.. at least that's what my uncle told me."

Villager 1: Look! Isn't that a small child?
Villager 2: Yeah. Was he abandoned by his parents?
Villager 3: Poor soul.
Villager 1: What do we do?
Villager 2: I don't know about you two but I'm gonna take him in.

"I never met my biological parents. I was very lucky to be adopted by someone."

Villager 2: What shall we name him?
Girl: Let's name him Pulcher!
Boy: No! Let's name him Bellator!
Villager 2: Pffft... What do you think Intentio?
"Intentio": Well.. we found him in the cold so let's name him Congelatio!
Villager 2: Hmm.. not too bad I guess.

"I was given a name and taught how to pronounce it and write it but I never got to know their names... As they met their end too soon."

Plunderers leader: WE'VE COME FOR WAR
(Chaos and mayhem)
Villager 2: How did it all come to this!? My family... They are all dead! Wait.. Congelatio! Thank God you're still fine!
Plunderer: Ho! There are some left here!

"After some struggles, she managed to take me to the village river but the plunderers were still chasing after us so she sent me away in a basket via the river."

Villager 2: Live on Congelatio!
Plunderer: Shut up!

"Those were her last words to me. The plunderers shot at me but fortunately I survived. After flowing down the river for I don't know how long, I hit the shore of a new land. There, a man carrying a heavy bag spotted me."

Man: Hmm.. now this is a rare sight. Did you get abandoned by your parents?
_Congelatio_: Co- con.. ge.. la.. tio..
Man: Huh? Is that your name?
_Congelatio_: Mm..
Man: I see.. I don't have much to offer but I can take you in though you'll have to work for me when you grow older.

"And thus I was saved once again. I grew up to be a mercenary."

Man: Make sure you can be the boss in front of them, alright?
_Congelatio_: Understood, Boss Uncle Max.
_Max_: ...
_Max_: Looks like they're here, prepare yourself.

"Life was working out and I was doing fine as a mercenary. On my tenth birthday, my uncle gave me a present."

_Max_: Happy Birthday Congelatio. Look at what I got for you.
_Congelatio_: This is..
_Max_: It's an antique wooden Babushka. No one was interested in buying it earlier on but now it has become a collector's want. Do you like it?
_Congelatio_: I like it. It must have been hard to get this.
_Max_: It certainly might have been if not for my connections with people.

"I was given love and I was able to pay them back. However things changed when our house caught on fire."

_Congelatio_: * cough * * cough *
_Max_: Congelatio! Give me your hand!
_Max_: There, you're alright?
_Congelatio_: Mm... But the house..
_Max_: Forget it. As long as we're alive things will be just fine.

"Just when things started to look good, I lost them just like that. The Babushka I got as my birthday present got reduced to ashes. But we kept our hopes up and kept working hard but then one day... A group of Bandits invaded the mercenary base when we were having a meeting with a client. It was a planned attack and they encircled us. In the chaos my uncle was shot in the heart while trying to protect me from a bandit sniper. He breathed his dying breath in my arms. His last words to me were..."

_Max_: Don't worry about me. You must survive. Escape..
_Congelatio_: But I can't just leave you!
(No response)
_Congelatio_: Uncle Max..
_Congelatio_: Uncle Max!
_Congelatio_: ...

"In spite of what my uncle told me I didn't run and instead I chose vengeance."

_Congelatio_: I will kill every single one of you!

And just like that... Congelatio who has always been seeing people who loved him sacrifice themselves for his survival is now at the verge of having a meaningless death. Just the thought of it made him feel guilty, frustrated and most importantly, angered. And just then.. due to the powerful desire of fighting back, his battlesuit ascended from elite to legendary.

"Tartarus": רגע... משהו מרגיש לא בסדר.
"Tartarus": ..?!

A giant explosion takes place originating from Congelatio's battlesuit as he floats upwards while his battlesuit transforms into its magnificent form.

_Congelatio_: Prepare to die.

ㅤ                                      To be continued

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