Episode 05: Violence... Mayhem...

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Season 01: An Unexpected yet Horrific Discovery

The first Human-sýmfono war took place on this day. Alexander managed to save his squad members from the sudden alien attacks by using his powers. Since Epimelitéas is now dead, Alexander becomes the leader of his squad, Pelagus Testimonii.

_Violette_: What's going on!?
_Hector_: It's them...
_Alexander_: And there's something more over there.
_Hector_: Who is that?
_Alexander_: I don't know but its body seems to be of the same color that the riff represented.

This Imaginary being at once attacked Alexander's team. Alexander's battlesuit possesses the power of manipulating vector quantities to a certain extent, Viollete's battlesuit possesses the power of manipulating the void to a certain extent and Hector's battlesuit possesses the power of manipulating temperature to a certain extent. Alexander tried to deflect the IMG being's attack but was unable to do so thus in a matter of split seconds Viollette knocked the IMG being backwards by manipulating the space-time surrounding the being.

_Hector_: It looks surprised.
_Alexander_: I'm more surprised that my deflection didn't work...
_Viollette_: Perhaps only space-time bending techniques work on this thing.
_Alexander_: Watch out!

Heavier quantum attacks shoot down from above. Alexander once again deflected those attacks but just then they realised that alien forces were all around them.

_Alexander_: This is not looking good...
_Viollette_: What do we do?
_Hector_: Wait! They don't seem to be targeting us...
_Alexander_: Wha.. the golden being!

The IMG being and the alien troops fight head on. IMGB swiftly takes out most of the alien troops in an elegant manner.

_Viollette_: ...
_Apateonas_: E squad 4, this is Boras, do you read?
_Alexander_: Yes sir! This is Alexander from E squad 4, we read you.
_Apateonas_: Good to hear from you Alexander, where is Epimelitéas?
_Alexander_: Sir.. he is K.I.A.
_Apateonas_: I see... What's your situation?
* Alexander briefly explains the situation to the general *
_Apateonas_: I see, In that case.. Stand your ground. Only your team can defend Sotiría for now. I'll leave Sotiría in your reliable hands. Boras out.
_Alexander_: ..Alright then. Team, spread out. We'll leave this area to the golden being. I'll watch the northern hemisphere, Hector, you'll watch the eastern parts of the southern hemisphere and Viollette, you'll watch the western parts of the southern hemisphere. Look for survivors and defend Sotiría at all costs.
_Viollette and Hector_: Yes sir!
* The squad leaves this area *
_Isaac_: Now would you look at that... My hunch was correct. Now let's see how wild this gets.

Meanwhile on the planet Xavier

Squad 54 member: We're under heavy fire! At this rate we will all...
_Fulgur_: Rumbling Thunder, Flickering lightning!

Fulgur unleashes his signature attack and takes out 5 large reinforced alien ships and 9 alien carrier ships.

Squad 54 member: Amazing...
_Fulgur_: Hey! you lot, hold the line! Deploy Anti-matter operators!
Squad 54 leader: Y-yes sir!
* Fulgur leaves in the blink of an eye *

In this Human-sýmfono war, the common people are the ones to suffer the most. A young girl is seen amidst the rubles. Her legs are crushed. She tries not to look at it and faces towards her father's broken picture fallen on the ground next to her. She cries for help but to no avail. She feels her life draining out from within and in her dying breath she says.

_Lilac_: Dad.. I love you...

Lilac faces the same fate as his father, Victus. Tears roll down from her eyes. Her dream of exploring the universe with him remained a dream.

A young man, who was planning on becoming a neurosurgen, after seeing the world around him turn into a wasteland says

Young man: I guess this is it. I hope Veronica will be fine without me.

A religious preacher says

Preacher: The Judicium of Deus is upon us. Beichten all of thyne Sünden for this is the Endgültigkeit. Hae sunt bestiae reptiliae, quae Unser Zuhause ex nostris sceleribus expianda veniu-

The preacher too shuffles off this mortal coil.

_Penelope_: Casualties are high sir.
_Apateonas_: As expected. Our elite squad members are able to eliminate the alien troops but they alone are not enough to defend Peripheria. Moreover, the weaker elite squad members are struggling to retaliate. At this rate, Peripheria might fall... Penelope, our reinforcements?
_Penelope_: ETA 15 hours, sir.
_Apateonas_: This is not looking good. Wait... Where is professor Einstein?
_Penelope_: I can't contact him sir.
_Apateonas_: Can you track him?
_Penelope_: No sir. But based on my calculations he could be in Sotiría.
_Apateonas_: I see. Send Congelatio to Sotiría.
_Penelope_: Roger. Should I get someone to fight in place of him?
_Apateonas_: No need. I'll fight in his place. Prepare my equipment.
_Penelope_: Understood.
_Apateonas_: (if only Epimelitéas was still here.. I would want to search for the professor myself but I can't leave Xavier in this hard time)

ㅤ                                        To be continued

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