8 - Battle Trials

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When I heard we were having battle trials, I expected the fights to go like the sparring sessions I had back at the dojo. I wasn't however, expecting a deathmatch.

"Young Bakugo! Stop what you're doing right now! Are you trying to kill him?!"

Since the very first day of school, everyone in class already noticed there was something going on between Midoriya and Bakugo. But no one expected it to be anything like this.

All Might is already shouting into the communicator in an effort to stop Bakugo from murdering Midoriya, clear panic in his eyes. On the screen in the observation rooms, Bakugo is aiming his large grenade-like gauntlet straight at the greenette, obviously preparing for something huge.

The entire observation room could only stare wide-eyed as a huge explosion tore through the section of the building Midoriya and Bakugo were both in. A massive hole is now visible on the outside of the building and pillars of smoke could be seen rising through the air.

I was just shocked at the entire debacle. What part of battle trials did Bakugo not understand? This is supposed to be a practice session. NOT a place to settle grudges and outright murder your classmates! How the hell did such an aggressive guy enter the hero course in the first place?

And the worst part is that none of us know what the hell is going on since the cameras don't come with audio. All Might is the only person who can hear anything since his comms are linked with the fighters.

"Bakugo, do something like that again and you will be disqualified! I will forcibly end the match and you will lose!"

All Might continued to speak to Bakugo through his earpiece, berating him for his recklessness and telling him the consequences if he does something like that again. I don't know if it worked since he's now deciding to just beat the ever living crap out of Midoriya. But what happened next totally slumped me.

In order to win, the hero team doesn't necessarily have to defeat the villain team. All they need to do is to secure the payload by touching it and victory is theirs. So if I were Midoriya, I would just be focusing on how to win without beating Bakugo, because that's too daunting of a task for Midoriya currently.

And he did exactly that with the craziest, most reckless, and incredible way. By obliterating literally every floor of the building by swinging his punch that was originally meant for Bakugo upwards. The punch created an air cannon that managed to disorient Iida, allowing Uraraka to swoop in and secure their victory. Although he couldn't escape unscathed. By redirecting his attack upwards, Midoriya didn't have the chance to block Bakugo's attack. Meaning he took the full force of Bakugo's explosion to the face.

Everyone in the observation room was shocked beyond belief. Even All Might considering his wide eyed stature. No one, and I mean no one, expected Midoriya's victory. After the huge explosion and the resulting ass-kicking afterwards, people were of the belief that Bakugo was too strong for Midoriya and the match would end at his loss.

But nope, Midoriya proved them all wrong. He deserved that victory. Unlike Bakugo, Midoriya is fully capable of working with anyone. His teamwork with Uraraka was what allowed them the win, in comparison to Bakugo and Iida who had no synergy at all.

"These guys are crazy. Isn't this just a mock test? Why are they going so far?" Shinso asked with a wince while looking at Midoriya's injuries through the monitor. "I mean seriously, this is just overkill."

"Who knows, but it's obvious these guys have some sort of grudge against each other. Maybe they have something to prove." I replied after some thought. "You've seen how Bakugo was during the Quirk Apprehension Test. He just attacked Midoriya after he did the softball throw. Honestly we should've seen this coming."

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