14 - Heart of a Hero

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Izuku Midoriya was walking through the gates of U.A. as he reminisced about the events at USJ. That brought his thoughts back to his injured friend (are they friends? He feels like they are but then again, he's been wrong about this stuff before). No one has seen hide nor hair of their class president since the USJ incident except Shinso, who told them that Kazuya is fine and recovering.

It's been well over a week and school had finally reopened and classes resumed. U.A. was under heavy scrutiny from the media for the recent breach in security but Principal Nezu had managed to pacify the concerned masses and quell the public unrest.

The newly created class group chat, which was created by Shinso at the behest of their president, was flooded with many concerned messages about Kazuya's well being and all he replied was 'I'm fine. Thanks for the concern :)'

To be honest, that doesn't really sound fine to Midoriya but he isn't exactly in a position to say anything.

Midoriya honestly had so much to talk about with Kazuya. Not only does he want to thank their president for doing so much to protect them during the incident, but he also has major questions about Kazuya's quirk.

Kazuya managed to do so many incredible things with it and Midoriya's analytical mind can't help but be intrigued on how versatile Kazuya's quirk really is. He also heard that Kazuya managed to go toe-to-toe and even defeat one of the major villains by himself, and if that isn't impressive, he doesn't know what is.

To be honest, he felt himself to be inadequate. Throughout the entire incident, Midoriya could do nothing else but stand and shake in his boots. Sure he managed to help out in the end, but it yet again came at the cost of his own arm. Which immobilized him and proved to be a burden to his friends in the second half of the fight against Shigaraki.

'Aizawa-sensei was right.'

That was what he realized after he processed the events of the USJ. He needs to learn to control his new quirk as soon as possible, or he'll find himself falling behind even more.

"-riya? Hey Midoriya!"

Midoriya let out a high pitched squeak at the mention of his name. Recognising the voice that called him, he immediately turned around and greeted the person.

"K-Kazuya-san! Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too." Kazuya replied. "Are you okay? You looked like you had a lot on your mind."

"Y-Yeah I'm fine! But what about you? You fell unconscious at the end of the fight and everyone was so worried and-"

"Oh yeah, I'm totally good. My quirk runs on stamina and I bit off more than I could chew. That's all there is to it." Kazuya explained, "Other than that I'm fine. How about you though? Is your arm good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine too." Midoriya assured. "U-um Kazuya-san, I just wanted to say thanks for protecting everyone back in the USJ, and sorry that I couldn't do more to help." Midoriya said, slightly shrinking on himself.

Kazuya studied him for a while before saying, "Hey it's fine. Don't forget that you were one of the key reasons why everyone survived too. I didn't exactly see anything since y'know, I was unconscious and everything, but Shinso told me what happened after I passed out." Kazuya glanced at Midoriya as they walked to the classroom. "You saved us, Midoriya. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Mirdoriya looked up at Kazuya with wide eyes, already brimming in tears. He quickly wiped them off before saying. "T-thanks Kazuya-san."

"Just call me Kazuya, Midoriya. We're friends, aren't we?"

Midoriya looked into Kazuya in surprise before nodding with a wide smile. "Kazuya."

Kazuya just chuckled before his eyes caught sight of the notebook in Midoriya's hand.

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