15 - Preparation

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"Kazuya? Where are you going this early?"

Mom asked with a sleepy look as I was currently putting on my shoes by the sofa.

"Just a morning run, mom." I said. "Gotta get some training in, sports festival is coming up, remember."

"Ah, that's right. Alright then, just make sure to get back by breakfast."

I just nodded as I started my morning run. I've been keeping this routine ever since Aizawa announced to us that the sports festival is coming up soon. The sports festival is one of the biggest events in all of Japan. Any U.A. student that wants to make it big HAS to give a good showing during the event, as it is one of the ways to be scouted by Pro Heroes for internships.

It didn't take long for me to complete my run. It was only around 50 laps around the neighborhood after all.

By the time I got back, my family was already waiting by the breakfast table.

"Welcome back, sport. Hurry and wash up so you can join us." My dad greeted me as I entered the house.

"Sure thing, dad."

I quickly washed up and immediately joined them. Mom cooked us some delicious bacon and eggs and I'll be damned if I let them go to waste.

"So Akio, you're going to have the sports festival soon right?" Raizo, my brother, started the conversation. "Think you're gonna win?"

"Hmm, hard to say." I said while chewing on a piece of bacon. "There are a few crazy strong ones in my class. Do you know that Endeavour's son is one of my classmates?"

"Is that right? What's he like?" My mom asked.

"Ehh, kinda antisocial." I shrugged. "I don't really know too much about him since he's not really one to socialize. Crazy strong tho."

"Do you think you can beat him?"

"Who knows... If I go all out, then maybe? I haven't really seen him fight much to be honest. By the time he fought in the USJ, I was already unconscious."

"So there really are people who can force you to go all out, huh? Interesting." My brother said with a grin.

"No one is really stopping you from doing your best, Akio." My father stated as he drank some water. "Your mother and I are also kind of curious as to where you stand among your classmates. Being a hero has been your dream ever since you were in elementary school and have been working hard with Hitoshi since then. This is a good chance for us to see the fruits of your hard work."

"Heh, imagine if you and Hitoshi get first and second place. That would be awesome." Raizo looked at me before saying. "You know there has always been a betting pool at my workplace about the winners of the Sports Festival once it reaches the third round." He said with a grin. " I plan on putting a lot of money on you. So you better win lil' bro."

I just deadpanned at him. "Mom, are you hearing this?"

"W-Well, it's not like we aren't doing the same thing..." Mom said with a cough.

"Wait, what?"

"We're planning on playing the sports festival back at the Cafe so people could watch. We're also throwing a betting pool, similar to your brother. It was your mother's idea."

I threw the same deadpanned look to my mother.

"Don't look at me like that, Akio. I'm a business woman at heart, and this is a business opportunity." Mom defended herself.

I just sighed at that and smiled at them. "Well, I'll try my best. But if you're serious about doing this, then you're going to help with my training for the rest of the week before the sports festival." I pointed to my brother.

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