11 - The Fight of Our Lives

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'Now begone!'

Those words were the last thing Hitoshi remembered as he found himself someplace dark. Visibility is poor, heavy rain is falling everywhere, and the winds are so strong that his hair is whooshing all over the place. He's sure now the villain transported him to the downpour zone.

This is definitely not how he expected the day to go. When he first woke up in the morning, he was expecting just another normal day of classes. As normal as U.A. would be of course. He knows as a hero-in-training that he would be involved in some combat scenarios, but to fight fully fledged villains not even a week into their school year is just too much.

But even so, He is Hitoshi Shinso, a future hero. He can at least handle this much.


He quickly turned around as he sensed someone approaching him, shuriken being held in each finger, ready to throw it at a moment's notice. He stopped his movement after seeing a familiar face.

"Tokoyami, you're here as well?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure it's just the two of us, as I didn't see anyone else fall here."

Shinso just nodded as they both pressed their backs against each other in a defensive formation. Already, a sizable group of villains is surrounding them, most with crazy grins on their faces.

"You ready for this?" Shinso asked, as they tensed in anticipation.

"Most definitely." replied Tokoyami, Dark Shadow emerging from his abdomen.

"So let me guess, your bosses offered to pay you idiots a large amount of money to kill some kids, is that right?" Shinso started out. "Fools, you don't even realize you're being used as cannon fodder. What a shame."

Tokoyami, who knows what's about to happen, gave a small smirk

A brief moment of silence ensued. A lot of the villains grew tick marks at what he said. "What the hell did you call us you little bra-"

A little under half of the villains surrounding them suddenly stopped moving, seemingly in a trance.

'Way too easy.' Shinso thought with a grin. "Fight back against your fellow villains! Protect U.A.!"

To the rest of the villains' visible surprise, almost half of their number began to attack them.

"Dark Shadow!!"

Without giving the villains a chance to think, Tokoyami took advantage of the villains' surprise and sent Dark Shadow against them.

"Woo yeah!" The darkness entity cheered as he picked up two large villains and slammed them to the ground.

Shinso also wasn't idle as he engaged a few villains in close combat. He kicked one of the villains on the head with a roundhouse, before immediately going for a spinning backfist against a villain that was behind him.

'We have to finish this quickly, before the villains I brainwashed get back to their senses.'

Shinso fingered a few shuriken before launching them towards a group of villains. It met their individual targets as he immediately followed up with a flying knee, before grabbing a villain's arm and judo slamming him to the ground. In the background, he could notice Dark Shadow still going on a rampage, destroying villains left and right alongside a few brainwashed puppets.

Before long, all the villains were face down on the ground unconscious, whereas Tokoyami and Shinso suffered a few scrapes and bruises.

"For villains, these few weren't much trouble." Tokoyami stated as mentally recalled Dark Shadow inside him. Right now, the Downpour Zone doesn't offer much light. It wasn't wise to let Dark Shadow out in the darkness for too long.

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