The Alien Agenda

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We are fighting the Kraang. 

"When fight is concluded, the ones called "the turtles" are defeated by Kraang." Kraang said. 

Leo looks up, then he continues fighting them.

"I'll save you, Raph!" Leo exclaimed. 

"You'll save?" Raph asked. 

Leo plants his feet against the wall and disarms a Kraang while he lands on top of a Kraang's head and sliced its arms off.

"Relax, Mikey. You're safe now." Leo stated.  

"Thanks! Wait, I was fine." Mikey stated. 

I knew something was going on and even Raph became suspicious. 

"Donnie! Behind you!" Leo exclaimed. 

"The wall?" Donnie asked. 

Leo sliced a Kraang droid.

"Uh, what the heck was that?" Donnie asked. 

"Yeah, you trying to impress us? 'Cause it totally worked." Mikey said. 

I look up and I saw Karai and then she was gone. 

"What is it, Y/n?" Donnie asked. 

"I thought I saw something. What about you, Leo? Did you see something?" I asked. 

"No." Leo said. 

"Turtles first, right?" Raph asked. 

"Turtles first." Leo stated. 

They stare at each other.

"You feel like we're missing something?" Donnie asked Mikey. 

"All the time." Mikey stated. 

In the dojo Leo and Raph spar and I was just in the dojo making sure they don't hurt each other. There was a tension between the two and I knew it was going to burst any second. 

"You knew the Foot Clan was watching us." Raph stated. 

"Not the Foot. Karai." Leo stated. 

"Karai is the Foot. You knew she was watching, and all you did was show off." Raph stated. 

"I was demonstrating how formidable we are. I knew she wasn't going to attack us." Leo stated. 

"Of course not. She's studying our moves for next time. You don't flirt with the enemy, Leo. You take 'em down." Raph stated. 

"No. You're wrong about her. She has a good side." Leo stated. 

"Oh, yeah? Well, if that's what you're doing, why don't you go tell the others?" Raph asked. 

"Because they wouldn't understand." Leo stated. 

Raph pins him down to the wall with his arm. 

"You really think Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand? You really think Donnie wouldn't understand? You think Y/n wouldn't understand?" Raph asked. 

"Look, I know what I'm doing. You have to trust me." Leo stated. 

"Why should I?" Raph asked. 

"What is going on in here?" Father asked. 

"Uh, nothing important. Right, Raph?" Leo said. 

"Right." Raph stated. 

"They were sparring and talking about this Karai girl from the foot clan." I stated. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now