The Kraang Conspiracy

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I don't own this picture! 


It all started at the rooftops. April is panting for breath, trying to catch up with me and the boys. 

"I never understood how you guys could... Could be so. So fast." April groaned. 

"Come on, April. This is just the warm-up." I stated. 

"The warm-up? For two hours?" April asked. 

"That's what ninjas do. Training sometimes lasts four, five hours at a time. Awesome, right?" Leo asked. 

"Are you kidding me? I'm gonna puke. What about a real mission?" April asked.  

"It took fifteen years of training for the boys and fourteen years for me before Father let us go on a real mission. You got a long way to go, sister." I stated. 

"Not that long. A decade or two will fly by like that." Donnie stated. 

"For a turtle." April stated. 

"Maybe we should take her on more missions, Leo. It makes sense." I stated. 

"Yeah! The best training she could have is hanging with the ninjas." Mikey stated. 

"Uh-uh. No way. It's too dangerous." Leo stated. 

"What if something happens to her?" Raph asked. 

"My head. Guys, I think there's someone watching us Right over there." April stated. 

We looked over and saw a figure of a man. Taking notice, the figure started to run.

"Get him!" We all exclaimed in unison. 

We start to chase after them.

"Grappling hooks!" Leo shouted. 

April tried to use her grappling hook but it was stuck.

"Stupid grappling hook. Maybe I should just take the stairs." April said. 

"This way. Let's move, people." I stated as we enter an apartment. 

"It's quiet. Too quiet." Donnie stated. 

Leo and I began to open the window and enter inside. We looked around the area and saw pictures of us.

"It's us." Donnie stated. 

"Not just us. Photos of mutants and Kraang. Lots and lots of Kraang." I stated. 

"So what's with all the creep-tastic pictures?" April asked. 

"Well, I guess we've seen enough here, guys. Let's get out of here." Raph stated. 

Raph pulled the figure and pinned him down. It was a man wearing a brown hat and trench coat.

"Whoa! Don't hurt me. I'm a friend." The man stated. 

"Stalker's more like it." Raph stated. 

"After all these months, finally face-to-face with the talking ninja turtles, Y/n Oroku, and April O'Neil herself." The man stated. 

"You better start talking, pal. What's with the photos? Who are you? And how do you know my real name?" I asked. 

"The name's Kurtzman. I was a journalist on the case of the missing scientist last year, and then I discovered something much bigger. The Kraang. The alien infiltration is long-lived. Ancient, in fact. The Kraang have been trying to use mutagen to terraform the Earth for thousands of years. But they couldn't use the mutagen in our universe without a specific chain of human DNA. They spent millennia capturing people, shaping humankind's genetic code, until finally..." Kurtzman stated as he held up two baby pictures. 

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