A Foot Too Big

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I don't own this picture! 


I hear Donnie and Mikey talking about a music box Donnie had got for April and let's just say, it didn't go as Donnie planned. Another swing, another miss. 

In order to cheer up Donnie from his heartbreak and depression, he took him outside for training as Leo and I watch. Raph defeats both Donnie and Mikey.

"Aw, you guys are rustier than the Titanic's butt! No, we're... you're not in the city anymore. You need to get used to this new environment no buildings, no subways. Lots of trees." Raph stated. 

"Ugh, tell me about it." Mikey stated. 

"Well, what do you think?" Raph asked, turning to me and Leo.  

"Hmm...Turtle hunt." Leo and I stated in unison. 

"Turtle hunt." Raph stated. 

"Turtle hunt?" Donnie and Mikey asked in unison. 

"You gonna help out, Leo? Y/n?" Raph asked. 

"I'm in." I stated. 

"Yeah, I. Sorry. I guess I'm still not up to it. Enjoy your little hunt, guys." Leo groaned. 

"Dude!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"What do you mean by turtle hunt?" Donnie asked. 

"You guys are gonna head into the forest. Y/n and I will give you a five minute head start, then we hunt you down. If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to clean out the chicken coop." Raph stated. 

"No way!" Donnie stated. 

"Not the chicken coop, man!" Mikey whined. 

"It smells like cheese fossils!" Donnie stated. 

"It's got spiders so big, they play the banjo!" Mikey stated.

"We can't clean that thing! Then get moving." Donnie stated as they took off running. 

"You're really gonna make them clean the chicken coop, aren't you Raph?" I asked. 

"Yep. Keep an ear out for them, I wanna know how scared they get out in the wild by themselves." Raph stated. 

"Sure thing; in fact, let me check right now." I stated as my ears twitched. 

"How do we hide in the woods, anyway? There's no doors!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"We could climb a tree." Donnie stated and I burst out laughing. 

"Do you realize how thin the trees are Donnie? And you're supposed be the brains of the group." I stated as Raph and I continued laughing. 

"That's the first place he's gonna look. Could we burrow? Do Turtles burrow in the wild?" Mikey asked. 

"I don't know. I've never been in the wild before. Have you?" Donnie asked. 

"Does Jersey count?" Mikey asked. 

Then a loud roar was heard, my ears dropped as I whimpered a little. 

"What the heck was that?" Mikey and I asked. 

"What?" Raph asked. 

"There is something out there, something big and loud." I stated. 

"Well, can you keep listening? I wanna know where those babies are." Raph stated. 

"What is it? Some kind of monkey man?" Mikey asked. 

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