The Jenna thing

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A/N: English is not my first language, sorry if there are some mistakes. Also please take into account the trigger warning ⚠️.

TW: see the description.

As the girls sat talking about Jenna, I couldn't bring myself to care about the conversation, my mind was elsewhere. What was Wilden doing?

Hanna nudged me bringing me back to the conversation to find everyone staring at me.


"Did you hear what I said? Ali was seeing someone that summer, it was an older guy that had a girlfriend." Spencer said.


"Oh?" Questioned Hanna. "You're not surprised? Did you know about this."

"I didn't know, but it doesn't surprise me, Ali used to hook up with older guys all the time." I said.

"What?!" Asked Emily. "How do you know?"

I shrugged. "Ali and I used to go to a lot of college parties together."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I once asked Ali why couldn't we invite you guys and well..."

"Well what?" Hanna insisted.

"Look you know Ali could be mean and I asked her to tell you about the parties—"

"Just spit it out, what did she say?" Asked Spencer.

I sighed. "She said you wouldn't be able to hold your liquor and that you wouldn't fit in and would only end up embarrassing her." There was an awkward silence. "I'm sorry guys."

"Don't apologize." My twin told me. "It's not your fault."

"At least were the parties good?" Aria asked, there was a hint of humor in her voice, but I couldn't bring myself to laugh.

"Truthfully, I wish I had never gone to a party without you guys."


We were having breakfast with mom as she finished the last of the milk. "That's the last of the milk." She said.

"It's on the list." I replied, as Hanna stared at the Tv. Wilden was giving a statement.

"The coroner did release his findings this morning, and although Alison Di Laurentis' body did show signs of a blunt-force head trauma, the cause of her death was suffocation."

I turn off the tv, I have already seen too much of Wilden I didn't need to see him on the Tv as well. "God that guy gives me the creeps." Hanna said.

"Well he didn't arrest you, so he can't be that bad." Ashley said.

Yes he can

"Are you okay going to school today?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. We'll be fine." I told her not really believing it myself.


Cassie's outfit

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