To kill a Mockingbird

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We were walking to through the woods because of someone's brilliant idea to make a shrine for Ali.

I was so tired and I had smoked a joint before coming here. And yet again I found myself lost in my thoughts.

"You're worried what other people think?" Emily asked. Aren't we all at this point?

"Well, aren't you? Do you really want to give that creepy Detective more reasons to question us?" Argued Spencer.

"Cassie, Hanna, why are you so quiet?"

"I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth." My sister replied, but I didn't say anything, there was too much happening inside my head.

"You're allowed to have an opinion on this." Emily told us.

"You want my opinion? I say we hold off and not remember her 'til we know for sure she's not still here." Hanna snapped.

"What?" They all said.

"What are you talking about?" Aria asked.

"Hanna, they found her body." Argued Spencer. "Cassie what do you think?"

I sighed. "I think Hanna has a point."

"What? Why?"

"Look the way I see it there are three possibilities. The first one: Ali is Alive. Two: someone has been stalking us for years gathering our secrets. Or three: Ali told someone everything she knew about us." I said. "And I don't know about you but I think the first one is the less scary."

"Stop. I'm officially scared. Can we just not..." Aria said.

"You know, you asked for our opinion." I said.

"We went to her funeral!" Screamed Spencer.

"Yeah, and when we left we all got a text from her." Hanna countered.

"Okay, this conversation is giving me a hive." Snapped Aria.

"That's a bite. Mosquito." Hanna told her.

"Spencer, have you gotten any more messages?" Emily asked her.

"Haven't you?"

We hear branches rustling. "What was that? Did you hear that?" Emily said.

"Yes, I heard that. I'm standing right next to you." Aria whispered-yelled.

"Hello? Is anybody out there?" Hanna asked

"It's probably a rabbit." Spencer guessed.

"Hello?" Hanna tried again.

"It's a rabbit, Hanna. It's not gonna answer you." Spence told her.

"When is it just a rabbit?" I said. Then we heard more branches rustling

"Okay, that is definitely not a rabbit. Someone's out there." Hanna said.

And of course our phones rang at the worst possible moment.

'Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars and I'm hunting... -A'


The next day I was with Hanna and, unfortunately, Mona when Noel and Sean spotted us.

"I knew I smelled smoke. Noel were you thinking again?" I joked.

"Hilarious" he replied sarcastically. "Will I see you at my party tonight?" He asked me.

"I don't know, will there be alcohol?"


"Then yes you will." I replied. I shared a look with Hanna when we saw Toby Cavannaugh, the guy who took the blame for us. "Don't forget the vodka." I said before walking toward the other girls.

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