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"Was your mom angry at you for destroying Sean's car

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"Was your mom angry at you for destroying Sean's car." Emily asked Hanna. The night of the party Hanna had wrecked Sean's car after they got into a fight and of course Wilden hadn't missed a beat in threatening to arrest her for drinking and driving, which is another thing Hanna could never know I protected her from.

"I didn't destroy it and everyone was very mature about it." She said.


"There is no Oh, we're grownups that's all."

"Okay, so the town is gonna put in a new bench. We'll plant the flowerbeds. And there's gonna be a pathway of art tiles." Aria explained.

"Art tiles"

"Yeah messages, photos, memories of Alison."

"Oh like little headstones." My sister joked.

"Hanna!" Reproached Aria as I laughed.


"We should each do a tile." Suggested Emily.

"You know I had Alison's bracelet since the day we found it in the woods and I don't want the responsibility." Hanna said.

"I'm not taking that thing." I said.

"Somebody take it, I'm serious."

Spencer took the bracelet. "Look at us, bunch of babies! There is nothing that A can do or say to get us in trouble without making trouble for herself."

"You sure it's a "her"? My sister asked.

"She, he, it makes no difference." Spencer snapped. She takes out her computer computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm gonna block all messages from people that I don't know. IMs, texts, e-mails, everything. Screw A. There. Who's next?"

"Are you sure this is a good idea Spence?" I asked. "This could backfire. Texts aren't the only way A can send messages."

"I don't care, I'm done with the bitch." We all block the messages, but I do so reluctantly.

I have a bad feeling about this.


The next day at school we were talking in the cafeteria. "Why didn't your folks take you to New York with your sister? You deserve a little retail therapy too." Hanna asked Spencer.

"Not as much as Melissa."

Hanna's phone rang and she furrowed her brows looking at it.

"Answer it. At least we know who it can't be from." Aria said.

"You okay Han?" I asked.

"It's Dad!" She said picking up the call.

"You okay Cassie?" Aria asked me.

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