chapter 24

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"for the last time, Gojo, my sister is of limits"

Kakashi said with a sigh

From the time Gojo met Sakura, he'd been asking about her every fucking second of the day

"Come on senpai, I just wanna get to know my future student!"

Gojo retored back

Rin, Obito and Haibara sat there staring at the conversation between the two white haired sensei of jujutsu high back and forth

"I'm not stupid, my dear kohai. I know what your intentions are"

Kakashi said with a closed eyed smile before diving back to his books

"Please senpai, I'll buy you the latest version of fifty shades of grey novels you love so much"

He offered, slamming his black credit card on the table in front of Kakashi

Kakashi paused, looking up at Gojo with a look that resembles how your parents look when you fail your math test

"You're deprived if you think I will sell my sister in exchange of porn. Go away Satoru, I've got work to do"

Kakashi said, looking back at his porn book

Gojo's jaw hit the floor

"How did that not work? It always worked before "

He thought to himself, still staring at Kakashi in disbelief

"I'm telling you, Gojo-kun, Sakura-chan won't be yours no matter what "

Obito said with a load snort

Gojo pouted. Why was everyone being so mean to him now? He just wanted to know about the maiden who captured his heart by her exotic beauty and fiery attitude

"Why Akagi-senpai? Are you scared that I'll steal her away from you? Huh! I knew you too had a crush on her "

Gojo childishly whined

Obito actually laughed at his face. Slapping his hands on the table, he shook his head as he laughed loudly. It took him a while to compose himself before he could answer Gojo back

"Gojo-kun, she calls me Obibaka. I'm probably more of a brother to her than Kakashi. I saw her grow up. I can assure you that none of us have any feelings for each other that aren't platonic "

Obito said rolling his eyes dramatically

Gojo pouted more

"Aiko senpai, Akagi-senpai is being mean to me!"

He whined, giving Rin the puppy dog eyes

Every commotion stopped when Kakashi's book snapped close. Everyone looked at him as he got up

"Obito, Rin, I've got to go. "

Was all he said before teleportating away

Gojo huffed and puffed, looking pouty

By then, Ijichi came there to get Gojo

"Gojo-san, we have to leave for the event that is being held for the Sorcerers this year"

This made Gojo sigh again. He looked back at Obito and Rin

"Won't you come to the event senpai?"

Both of them shook their heads

"No, we would rather go on a date than going there to see the faces of those old geezers. But we'll maybe join a little later"

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