chapter 29

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"my baby girl is finally so Big, she's gonna go to a Jujutsu high school!(Sniffles) Can you believe this honey?"

Both Sakumo and Minato sweat dropped, watching their beloved wifes smooching Sakura all over her face

Sakura looked like she was gonna pass out any moment now from how hard they were kissing her face

"Mom, Mama Kushina, I don't know why you're getting so emotional. I graduated high school two years ago "

Sakura's words only made the two women sob even more

"My baby is growing up so fast!!!! What do I do!?"

Her mom, Kayomi sobbed even more

"I want my baby Sakura-chan back, wahhhh! Minato, get my baby back!"

Kushina half sobbed and half demanded, leaving Minato sweating bullets

He had this nervous smile on his face that explained

"One wrong move and your life is fucked up"

Sakumo had the same smile on, he could sympathize with his little girl

He himself was so proud of her. She had saved so many lives in this little life of her, how could he not?

She was essentially his pride and joy

Both of his children were

"Honey, it's time for Sakura to leave. Her window is here"

Minato carefully said, making Kushina glare at him as she pulled Sakura in her arms

"You dare to try to take away my daughter from me!"

Again, the men could hardly do anything except nervously smiling

Sakura decided, if this goes on, she's never reaching Jujutsu high in time. And being late is her biggest pet peeve

So she didn't plan to be late today

"Mama, okaa-chan, please calm down. I'll come back tonight from school. Don't worry. I'm not living there. But if I don't go now, I might be late. And I really don't wanna be late on the first day. So can I please go"

She carefully detangled herself from them and gave the two most important women in her life a last tight hug before looking back at her dad and Minato

With a smile, she first went and gave her dad a tight hug. She felt him kiss her forehead, whispering

"I'm so proud of you, my little blossom. You grew up so fine, I couldn't be prouder "

She softly giggled, making him chuckle too

Lastly she hugged Minato

"Please take care of my okaa-chan for me, otou-san "

She could only chuckle

"And take care of my little blossom for me, will you?"

"Oh of course, your little blossom isn't that little anymore. I'll keep it in mind "

She said with a giggle as she placed a warm kiss on his cheeks before leaving the house

She could see them waving at her car till They could see it

"Do we go to Jujutsu high directly, ma'am?"

Her window asked

"No, we have a little time. Take me to the cafe I always go to."

The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto x Jujutsu kaisen ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum