chapter 26

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"you know Sakura-chan, you're the only one I've ever seen with a similar hair color as mine"

Yuji told Sakura, which made her chuckle a bit

She nodded, Both of their bodies swaying according to the beats of the song as they danced on the dance floor, a little away from Kakashi and Shoko

"Me too, Yuji-kun. The only other person I know with pink hair is my mom. You know what, my mom will love to meet you. "

She smiled seeing his eyes lit up with pure and genuine joy

She noticed everything about Yuji. For some reason, she couldn't help but stare at those warm brown eyes

Sometimes miraculously those pares of eyes remind her of another pair of eyes. The pair of ocean blue eyes she missed so dearly

"Really? Can I meet her?"

He asked excitedly, making her giggle and nod

"Of course. I'll make sure to take all of you to meet my parents at my house after I join jujutsu high"

It looked like he wanted to cheer, but he couldn't

With the beat change, he grabbed her hand and twirled her around

Sakura decided she really liked the boy. Younger than her but honest and with a kind heart. He was so easy to talk with

"Hey Sakura-chan, does sensei always act like this with you?"

She looked up at him a little confused

"I mean Ito sensei is always so laid back, I've never seen him say a word more than needed. But with you, he is fighting with you, bikkering with you. It's something we never saw him  do"

His question made her shake her head

"Of course, silly. He's my big brother. Of course we fight all the time. All siblings do"

He just shrugged

"Not really. I don't have a sibling or cousins. So I really don't know how siblings work "

Her eyes soften a bit

After the day she met all of them, the toxin mission, she actually brought the annual report of Yuji Itadori

It's not something unusual in the jujutsu society to keep records of their students

She got to know about his past a little. It's just a shame how he's being treated with the whole Sukuna situation. It's like he's getting treated how Naruto was getting treated back when they were kids. It broke her heart

It wasn't worth it

"I don't know why kami makes good people suffer the most"

She thought to herself with a gentle smile on her face

"It's okay, I can be your big sister if you want"

To Which he made a face

He looked away a pout on his lips, which made her amused to say the least. But when she giggled again, he whined

"You're heartless!"

She threw her head back while laughing, arms still wrapped around his neck. It took her a few moments to stop laughing

"Why Itadori-kun? I'm older than you. That's why I said that"

He pouted some more, twirling her around. Her back hit his chest. His arms around her waist

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