Chap. 1 - Discovery.

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"It's not like I wanted to be like this. I never intended to be a freak. . ."


I don't remember what happened. All I know is that, during the middle of class, I felt strange. Strange, like all my senses suddenly got kicked to like.. a million percent! So, I did what any normal person would do and excused myself.

When I left, I dashed to the bathroom to down some pills I usually kept on me. I wasn't a stranger to migraines and shit, and it wasn't like I was trying to sell my meds, so teachers never really bothered me about them. So, anyways. I got to the bathroom and dug through my pockets, right? Then, while digging, I felt something tickle my back. It wasn't even subtle, it was like a full on 'something is there' type feeling.

So, I rushed to a stall and pulled off my shirt. Out of curiosity, of course, don't be creepy. And there they were. I couldn't see the entire thing, but from what I could gather from my peripheral? Wings. Now, that's what truly sent me into panic.

After that, I don't remember anything else of what happened. Nothing. Nothing at all. When I woke up, I saw a teacher's face staring down at me in horror. The gaze that she had made me worry, so not only was I confused, but now I was panicking. Again. There were no words leaving either of us as we stared. Though, there were a few times I thought she was about to say something, but she closed her mouth before she let the sentence out.

It was going nowhere. So, finally, I spoke up. "May I go home?" Was all I could think of asking. I was NOT going to deal with this, and I figured that the staff wouldn't want me disturbing the others and their learning with my new, weird, deformity. Is that what it is? I'm not too sure. Whatever I have going on with me, I knew it wasn't normal. In the slightest.

The teacher gave me a slow nod, and with a sigh of relief, I dashed out of there almost immediately. I didn't even bother to grab the bottle of otc meds on the floor. Didn't bother to collect all my stuff scattered against the floor. I just wanted to leave.

And so, I walked home. My mother wasn't expecting me, so it came of some surprise when she opened the door to see her daughter looking down in shame. I tugged at my shirt, trying to hide the awkward bump on my back. But, she knew something was off immediately. And she pulled me into one of her stupid mom hugs. Luckily for me, she didn't feel the twitching wings under the fabric of my shirt. Or she did, and just didn't want to comment on it. I wasn't sure.

"Honey.." Her tone was quiet and soothing. She had always known just how to cheer me up, and that's why I loved her. Even with my dad out of the picture, she was still able to be a good parent. "Why are you home so early?"

"I felt sick." I responded, trying my best to not look so dubious. It was hard. I suck at lying.

With a pat on the back, she allowed me to enter. Her hand motioned to my room, in a sort of way to tell me to rest up. So, without another word, I entered the comfort of my abode, and fell down onto my bed face first.

The wings. They were really uncomfortable. Like picture rugburn. Now picture it ten times worse. I lifted my head from my pillow and let out a large sigh, rolling off my bed with a thud. From outside my door, I heard my mom yell "Are you okay?!" in which I just responded with a quick "Yeah."

When I stood up, I glanced at my vanity mirror to get a better picture of the things plastered onto my back. If they weren't so painful, I honestly would have thought they were cool as hell. Tinted green, they sort of had the appearance similar to a luna moth. No. They were the wings of a luna moth. It was uncanny, just looking at them confused me.

The top of the vanity had multiple papers and objects on top of it. I banged my head on the tabletop, which knocked a few things over, including a collectible David Bowie figure I bought a while ago. I didn't bother to fix it up much before I walked out of my room. My wings uncomfortably flapped behind me, as I spotted my mom reading the paper on the couch.

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