Chap. 5 - Game Night At X Mansion.

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" Start counting your days , speedy boy ! "


Hank really wasn't lying when he said we'd do extra experiments n stuff. He called me out in the middle of a mutant history lecture to work with me.

First he just asked me questions about how I feel. Truth? I felt great. After hanging out with Kurt yesterday, my mood really lifted. I hadn't seen him all morning though, not that I usually do, but I especially was thinking hard about him today. I wanted to thank him for being so nice, I mean, we just met and he's made me feel so much more welcome than ever and-

"Y/N? Focus." Hank interrupted my thought process. I figured that he asked me a question while I was off in my own little world, so I squeaked out a 'hm?', he raised an eyebrow. "You haven't been very.. attentive. You all good?"

"I know, doc. I know. Won't happen again, I was just thinking about something, it's not important."

"You were smiling. What's got you so giddy?"

"It's nothing." I shook my head frantically and waved my hands in dismissal of the idea. Hank laughed for a moment before he gave me a break.

For a good hour or so, Hank made me do various activities to get my mind cleared and focused on the task at hand. I was able to unfold my wings easier this time, The last day we did this, it was still tricky for me. So, yay for me!

Towards the end of our meeting, Hank alerted me that he wanted to draw some blood to get a better idea of my mutation. Ew, I've always hated stuff like that, always has made me uncomfortable. The thoughts of needles and poking them into veins.. Icky.

"Do we need to do that right now?"

"I'd rather we do it today, so tomorrow I'll have a better planned lesson for you."

"Euwgh.. Okay.." I agreed hesitantly as Hank awkwardly placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort. He didn't say anything else before he guided me along inside to his lab. It was.. AWESOME in there, so much super cool things lined all over.

He drew the blood. I winced. Then it was all over. I headed back to class, and Hank began with his processing of the blood he sampled from me.


We all gathered in the lounge for our lunch. It was the usual group: me, Kurt, Scott, Jean, and Peter. On the arm of a couch sat the teleporter, in the same stupid squat position I saw yesterday. I'm not one to judge, actually I am, but gosh that looked like it hurt. I would be so sore after doing that just once. Peter laid sprawled out on the floor by the couch. Jean and Scott sat by each other, Scott on the end by Kurt and Jean in the middle. At the other end was, you guessed it, me!

"We should do something today." Peter spoke, his mouth full of the twinkie he was eating. It was gross.

"Ew, don't do that." I scoffed.

"Do what? I don't see what I'm doing? Got a problem?" Peter ran a hand through his silver hair while the other stuffed more of the twinkie in his mouth. He sat up slightly and gave a cheeky smirk.

"You know what you're doing." I rolled my eyes and overdramatically gagged at his behavior. He smiled innocently then fell back to the floor.

"But vat? Vat could we do?" Kurt chimed in. The room fell silent as everyone thought. All I could hear was the smacking of Peter's lips, who was purposefully doing it to irk me furthermore.

"I mean, we don't have to do anything too big, right? I feel like we've all been worn out lately." Jean commented, and we all agreed besides Peter.

"Not me."

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