Chap. 2 - This Dude Has LASERS For Eyes.

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"What the hell dude ? ! That's literally so cool . . ."


When I tell you, this place was massive. I had never seen a bigger mansion in my life. This Xavier person had to be loaded, to own such a regal place like this.

When I entered, I was met with the sight of beautiful decor. This is a school?! Completely unlike any other school I've gone to. Students were hanging out, chatting and stuff. Charles wheeled in and ushered me along with him, he pointed out a few things but I was distracted with the exquisite interior.

"Y/N, please do hurry along." He cleared his throat, and snapped me back into the reality of my situation.

Holy crap.

I am going to be living here!!!

"My bad." I responded, my focus turned back to him. I didn't wanna get in trouble for something so stupid and small on my first day here.

He continued on with his speech about mutants, I just nodded along and smiled. A lot of the stuff he was saying didn't truly process in my head. I knew I should've probably listened closer, because when he hit me with the "Scott will show you around." I was utterly confused.

Who is Scott? What is Scott? WHY is Scott? Asking the real questions here man. I tilted my head at Charles, and he caught my confusion almost immediately. He raised both his eyebrows and gave me a disappointed glance.

"You weren't listening, were you?"

"Not even gonna lie to you, no. No I was not." I tried to laugh it off, but he didn't.

He didn't say anything else. Instead, he led me somewhere. His wheels squeaked, and lord, did it bother me. It was still tricky to get used to these new powers. I walked behind him in silence. Passing time seemed to end, as then me and Charles were alone in the halls.

We stopped at a classroom. He left me out in the hall when he went inside. So, to pass time, I sat down. Unlucky me, the door opened and hit me almost as soon as my butt touched the ground. I let out a groan in pain, and above me I heard a snicker. It wasn't Charles though. Must've been that Scott person he mentioned before.

"It's not funny" I complained, which earned me another snort from him. Wow, I could already tell I would just love him!

I stood up and turned to face the two, Charles and the new guy. First thing I noticed was this kid was his douche-y red tinted Ray Bans. I eyed him up and down, taking in every detail. He seemed like a normal person? I mean. Besides the sunglasses indoors, nothing was out of the norm. It sucked. So far every mutant I've met hasn't had noticeable mutations! (But then again, I've only actually met two mutants.)

"Y/N, this is Scott Summers. He's going to aid you in anything you may need, whether it be a tour of the building or simply just helping you unpack."

Scott Summers, huh. I used my unoccupied hand to reach out, a bit hesitant at first. My other one remained atop my head, rubbing at the place the door hit me. "Hi." I belted.

"Hey." He responded and shook my hand. A nice firm handshake. I had to wonder, did he volunteer to do this? Or did Charles just trust him that much? Guess I'll never know.

"I'll leave you to be." Charles gave us one last smile before he left. He lingered a bit too long on Scott, making me think he said something to him through his cool telepathy powers or something. Scott laughed a bit as the professor rolled away, before he turned to me again.

"Nice glasses. Your future just so bright you have to keep em on?" I said sarcastically. That made him crack a lopsided smile

"I won't prod at your mutation, don't prod at mine."

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