Chap. 3 - Man Who Sold The World.

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"You've never heard of Bowie ? You are totally missing out ! "


I got a lack of sleep that night. The twinkies were delicious though, so that's a plus. But, anyways, as I was saying. I physically could not sleep, maybe it was because I had taken a long nap, or maybe it was something else. I don't want to think too hard about it.

There was still quite some time until I had to go to class. Tons of time to spare. I had lazily thrown on a bathrobe that my mom gave me for my birthday a few years back along with pajama pants and a Grateful Dead shirt. before I "went to bed" the other day. Ended up just wearing that when to go downstairs.

I returned the box of twinkies to the kitchen. There were a few people there, including some kid with silver hair and a bubbly girl with a yellow jacket.

When I reached up to the cabinet to slide the box back in, a flash of grey dashed behind me. Made me shiver. When I looked back, I was met with the silver haired guy all up in my face as he grabbed over my shoulder for the twinkies. "Dude, I was looking for those earlier!!" he exclaimed.

I shifted uncomfortably, and he noticed. He backed up in the speed of light, already having the sweet in his mouth. Well, it was quite obvious what his mutation was.

In a single beat, his face lit up and he began to poke at me speedily. He also started going on a ramble. Speaking quicker than I could process..

"Ohhh! Are you new? What's your mutation? You look normal.. Isn't Scott helping you or something? I saw you two leaving yesterday. He has a girl, y'know, I wouldn't go for him. Actually, I would, I suppose he's sort of cool but I'd suggest you don't. Oh hey! Grateful Dead? Sick, dude! Twinkie?"

It was hard to catch any of that.

"I didn't.. Catch any of that." I blinked. His poking was getting annoying so I slapped his hand away.

"Peter." A new (or not so new) voice came from the doorway. Thank god! Scott to the rescue. I turned my head, relief washed over me. There he was, his arm wrapped around a red haired girl. Damn, she was pretty! He had good taste.

It seemed like she heard my thoughts somehow, because after I complimented her in my head, she smiled and responded with a happy "Thank you,"

"Scotty!!" Spoke the silver haired dude, who I now knew as Peter. He waved at Scott, I did the same. Luckily for me, he seemed to back off, having a wide and goofy grin located from ear to ear.

"Give the girl some space man!" Exclaimed Scott as he walked over and playfully punched Peter. He overdramatically winced and threw his hands up in defeat.

"My bad!" Peter beamed.

I raised one hand in dismissal, "you're good, just found it hard to follow, that's all."

"I already forgot what I said."

"You were asking the Y/N about her mutation. And something about Grateful Dead, I believe?" The red haired mutant joined in, it seemed like she used her power to dig through his mind or something, because there was no WAY she got all of that.

"I have wings. And heightened senses. Surely not as cool as telepathy, or lasers for eyes, or being quick. Hell, I even saw a teleporter last night, that's like far cooler than my stupid a-"

"Teleporter? Did it smell like sulfur when they entered?" Scott cut me off, a knowing smile on his face.

"Sulfur?" I questioned, I wasn't necessarily the smartest person ever, I'll admit.

It took Scott and the girl a quick glance at each other and a few beats of silence before one responded with a comparison. Or, almost responded, since Peter mused "rotten eggs"

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