New goal acquired!

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I can't really say that we did a lot since we honestly got back home and I made my mother rest while Yagi had an old lady as a guest over. From what I could tell the woman looked at us as if she was trying to understand and find something. It honestly gave me the creeps but he did introduce us and that this was apparenlty Chiyo a good old friend of his and she is a pro hero called Recovery Girl. Never herd of that name! To be honest, I don't really know about heroes that much since all I had were just a couple of memories here and there and my past self never did work together with any hero besides Eraserhead. 

I wonder if it alright to just go out...

I need to know tho!

I need to find a way to get more money and that quickly as well.

How do I do that if not do some dirty work...

I don't want to be a criminal... but what option do I have...

I don't think that mom will let me work...

And there is still school as well....

Then the best option here is to either start being a hacker...

But I have zero clues about how to do that...

The more I thought about it the less I wanted to stay at home so I grabbed a couple of things before running out. There had to be something I could do and before I knew what or where I was going, I found myself just walking down some streets. My feet were actually carrying me without that I knew where I was going. I was simply way too deep into my thoughts for everything.

Me: The library....

I didn't really know why I got here but I had many memories of walking into it whenever I would be a disappointment at home. Today was different though. I kinda wanted to think and I was not escaping troubles at all. 

Maybe my answers are inside there....

I do wonder what I can do...

I really just wanted to work in a place but while I was walking towards the building, I could see something quite suspicious. There was someone on the rooftop of a building. Their shadow was perfectly cast to the ground and that was the only reason why I looked at their direction.

A villain?

No... if it was a villain they would have actually attacked or done something.

A hero?

Why should a hero be there....

And what am I even doing?

The library should be closed by now.....

I really was an idiot in name. There was no way the library was open at this hour and yet I came here and even thought that it had some answers. Maybe I was not so wrong because when I looked at the person, a thought popped up in my head.

A vigilante....

Do they get money?

I don't think soo BUT! 

I could gather information and I could actually go around and analyse things.

Not to meniton my healing quirk... 

It would be quite nice to do something with it.

Mom said not to be a hero.... 

But never against vigilantes.

For some reasons I couldn't stop looking at the figure standing there and I really thought it was a vigilante until I saw the wings that I thought was a cape. The person just came flying towards me and landed a few steps away.

???: Everything alright?

Me: Why do you care?

???: Kiddo, I am pro-hero! It's my job.


He is a hero?

I thought he might be.... oh damn. I just stared at a hero until he came here... he must have thought that I needed help or was about to do something since .... oh god! Don't tell me he thought I was about to break into the library?!

Me: I am fine, I just came for a walk and got lost... so I tried to remember where this library is at...

Hero: Ohh.... must be a lot on your mind then.

Me: School and all, you know. Just a busy day and I needed some air... I... do you know where Lexington Street is?

Hero: You go that street up, second turn left and the third turn right followed by a fourth right.

Me: Ah... cool thanks.

Hero: I can also get you there... 

Me: Yeah no thanks. I don't even know you.

Hero: I am Hawks, the third ranked hero! How can you not know me.

Me: Personal. You are still a stranger, hero or not.

Hero: Fair point there but let me walk you home.

Me: So a pervert and a stalker too? I don't need someone watching me especially not someone I don't know about.

Hero: Alright alright!

I have to admit, I was a bit stunned that hero didn't know me. Maybe it was also a bit too dark for him to see me in order to recognise me. I mean Eraserhead was in the top 20 and here was one in the top 3. There was no chance he didn't know who I was but I was certainly not gonna test it out nor would I actually accept any stranger. From all I know he really could also be a killer! It would be the perfect alibi to be a hero. How truly convenience.

Whelp, after the hero told me the way back, I decided to just leave without saying anything anymore. Yes, I know, I was rude but who cares. No one asked him for any help to begin with. I was actually confident to be able to find my way back home alone. It was just that he talked to me first so I could just simply go with the flow and all. Nothing unusal.

Try Me Bitch (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now