An offer... a good one as well

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I think I spend about an hour to walk around and I was soo glad that the hero didn't actually follow me back home. It may have been his duty to do so but in the end, he would feel like a stalker with the current memories I had. To be honest, I didn't know who he was at all. It was embracing to asmit that. There was simply barely anything I knew about heroes. I do have some memories about them but most of them were just a couple of people. My father never invited heroes over at home and he also never trained nor let me go on his daily routines with him. I was useless and clumsy for him to do so. 

After the encounter with the hero, I started to think that I had to definitelty get back on track with my information. I had to at least find out who were the newest heroes and the villains around here. If I was about to go work in the grey zone. I had to simply know what I could do and where the line was. That included the people I could meet, who I could fight and who I should run for.

Anyways, when I got back home, my mom was there sitting around the table with Yagi and Chiyo. They seem to talk about various things and I had a feeling they wanted something from me because when I got into the room, they looked at me and Yagi called me over to sit right next to him, to join him at the table.

Yagi: My boy, come here. 

Mom: You two didn't meet yet, did you?

Chiyo: We saw each other breathly but let me introduce myself again. I am the pro hero Recovery Girl, but that is just formally. Call me Chiyo or granny.

Me: Izuku Midoriya.

Chiyo: What a nice name. I am an old friend of Eraserhead as well. We work together at UA. 

Me: Ohh....

Chiyo: I want you to know that he did love you. He was praising you in school and always asked me if there was something I could do for you whenever you were sick.

Me: I know... I am just glad that he found his real son. 

Mom: And I am glad I found you.

Me: Likewise. Mom, you are way too good for me but I'll do my best.

Mom: No need for that my little bunny. 

Yagi: Say what do you think about UA my boy?

Me: The hero school?

Mom: Yes.

Me: It's a nice school. Why are you asking?

Chiyo: I am a very important part of the employees there. If you want to attent UA, I can talk to Nezu about it.

Me: Thanks but no thanks.

Mom: Are you sure? You always wanted to go there.

Me: Wanted but I don't want to go there anymore. 

Yagi: Then what will you do?

Me: Online classes. I want to stay at home and help out while taking online lessons.

Mom: aww that's sooo nice of you sweetie but you need to be under people like your age.

Yagi: I agree.

Me: .... do I even have a choice then?

Mom: Of course you do. You can choose any school you want.

Chiyo: I can recommend Gen ed classes. Present Mic would be your teacher.

Me: What class does Aizawa teach?

Chiyo: Hero course usually class A.

Me: That means there is a class B?

Chiyo: There is indeed. Are you interested in that?

Yagi: I can help you get fit for the entrance exam.

Me: No no! I was just curious. 

Mom: How about you think about it. 

Me: Alright.

Chiyo: Okay then. Let's continue where we stopped.

They started talking about my mothers job and how she quitted and how I jumped in to help while I was sitting there jut to make my mom happy. I really didn't know what to think about this. Especially since what they were basically telling me was to switch schools. Maybe it was for the better. Everyone hated me there anyways but UA should be different. It was a hero school and I highly doubted that bullying would be that openly allowed. That meant that only students would be my problem and no teacher. Just thinking about it made me think it would be quite a good choice. Besides my mom does want me to go back to school and finish it. So I would make it happen to see her smile and to make sure she wouldn't worry about me. 

HOWEVER! Before that, I needed to think about a couple things. 

I do want to set up a vigilante identity after all.

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