Chapter Six

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“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King

Your Son Is Under A Spell !!!

“ Alpha asked you to join him for lunch ” Dexter said and he saw her narrow her big light brown eyes at him and he wondered what was going on in her mind at the moment.

He just hoped that she would listen to him and follow him to the dinning room where Jayden was waiting for her.

Dexter knew how impatient and hot tempered their Alpha was. One slight mistake could incure his wrath talk more of disobeying him or keep him waiting.

He didn't want Jayden to hurt his mate again not after he had almost strangled her to death some hours ago. She was human and his mate for God sake and humans have fragile bodies.

They are the weakest of all creatures and they grow old and die but after being marked by their mates they stay immortal like the Werewolves, Vampires and the Witches.

The Vampires also mark their mates but the Witches and Wizards use their magic to give their mates immortal lives.

As for the humans who fall in love with thier fellow humans grow old and die that's why most humans wished to be the mates of a Werewolf so they could live an immortal life.

But Dexter couldn't understand why this girl as well as their Alpha. The girl was suppose to be happy that the moon goddess paired her together with an Alpha Werewolf but she doesn't look like she would ever love him.

And for Jayden, he had made a bad impression on himself by strangling the girl on their first meeting though Dexter knew how much he loathed the humans for their weakness. He was once like that too, all Werewolves were once like that but after the war years ago he learned to love the humans and other creatures even Kayden, Jayden's twin brother already got his own human mate.

But Jayden still didn't like the humans and he wondered how he was going to treat his mate.

‘ Sierra I hope you know what you're doing ’ Dexter said to the moon goddess in his mind when Ashina’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.

“ Tell your Alpha that I'm not going to join him for lunch ” She said as she went back and sat on the bed with crossed legs and crossed arms.

Shit ! This girl is quite sturbborn..

Has she forgetten that she almost died some hours ago ?

Dexter feared what Jayden would do to his mate if she didn't join him for lunch so he had to think of a way.

He walked closer to her and stopped three steps away from her and he said in a gentle voice “ Look I know you're still mad at him for what he did but you haven't eaten anything yet since you fainted so...”

“ I'm not hungry and stop acting like you care ” Ashina said and scoffed.

Dexter smiled when he heard what she said “ I do care about you that's why I'm here standing in the room with you so please follow me to the dinning room please ”

“ What made you think I'll follow you ” She said and Dexter sighed.

He didn't know what else to do again. He knew that right now Jayden will be furious and soon he might come angrily to the room and do something he might regret later and just as he thought he heard the Alpha's angry voice through mind link.

[ Dexter ]

[ Yes Alpha ]

[Why haven't I seen her yet !!! ]

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